On Going Formation at SMP

The St. Matthew Province concluded the ongoing formation course guided by Fr. Agostino Zamperini RCJ on June 22-28, 2015 at the Oasis of Prayer Rogationist Spirituality Center in Silang, Cavite. Eighteen participants of the age-group of Rogationists who have perpetually professed for 16-25 years attended the course that treated the theme “Jesus Christ, the axis of the Scriptures in St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia.” In the spirit of the the Year of Consecrated Life, the course aimed at reviving the Rogationist identity in the confreres by looking at St. Hannibal Mary as model of consecrated life, and in particular way, in his method of reading the Scriptures, of interpreting it and of using it for his preaching and prayers. The last day of the course was dedicated to the updating of the current state of the process of the beatification of Fr. Joseph Marazzo RCJ, and the recent documentary materials concerning Fr. Pantaleone Palma RCJ. The participants also had an open forum on the experience of the ongoing formation and the expression of gratitude to the speaker and the chance to dedicate time to deepen one's understanding of St. Hannibal Mary.

Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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