Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le jeu, 12/22/2022 - 09:17
Last December 12-14, 2022, the religious community of the Rogationist Seminary-Cebu had its year-end retreat at the McArthur’s place, Britaina, Surigao del Sur. The retreat was facilitated by Fr. Raymond Ambray, who is a Rogationist by heart and is currently a clergy of the Diocese of Tandag. The RSC community took the chance to have the retreat, after the thanksgiving mass of Rev. Fr. Philip Alensolurin at Tandag City.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le mer, 12/21/2022 - 09:00
Faccio questo apostolato con la mia comunità nel Rogazionista di Greencourt Paranaque dalla pandemia. Ho visto persone che sono andate e vengono... alcuni stanno letteralmente morendo sul marciapiede e altri sono andati per una vita migliore dopo aver trovato lavoro dopo averli persi.
Possiamo solo dargli un pasto decente (caldo e delizioso) anche solo per una notte in una settimana e prenderci del tempo per parlare con loro ascoltando i loro guai.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le mer, 12/21/2022 - 08:54
20.12.2022 - Alla presenza del Card. Marcello Semeraro è stato formalizzato oggi, 20 dicembre, l'avvio del Dipartimento "Pacem in terris" presso il Consorzio Universitario Humanitas di Via della Conciliazione a Roma. A dirigere il Dipartimento saranno i P. Gaetano Lo Russo e Aureliano Pacciolla in sinergia con l'Istituto Rogate di Psicopedagogia e Teologia. Attualmente al Consorzio Humanitas fanno capo oltre 3000 studenti iscritti a diversi master e corsi di specializzazione.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le mar, 12/20/2022 - 08:51
The ambience of joy and the longing for the Litle Child is growing stronger and so much visible every where.
To make this solemn day extraordinary, our Rogationist postulants are doing some preparations in SHRC-Calcutta community. Spiritual preparation such us prayers, novena and simbang gabi are observed faithfully every day.
Aside from the spiritual preparation they also did the external preparation such set up the belen in the chapel, house decorations, music practice, and christmas carols.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le mar, 12/20/2022 - 08:45
19.12.2022 - En prélude à la célébration de la nativité de notre Seigneur le 25 décembre prochain, samedi le 17 décembre 2022, dans l’enceinte du scolasticat saint Hannibal Marie Di Francia de Ngoya, nous avons célébré le noël de façon anticipée avec les enfants de l’apostolat, encadrés par les séminaristes postulants.
Domenica scorsa (11 dic), presso la palestra comunale di Ritiro, la Cappellania cattolica filippina (Filipino Catholic Community of Messina - FCCM) ha celebrato l’annuale Festa che raccoglie in sé 3 eventi: l’anniversario della Cappellania (ottavo anno); la festa delle famiglie; la proiezione sulla prossima festa del Natale per dare lode al Signore che viene.
La celebrazione eucaristica, presieduta da p. Ric Duque, è stata il centro della Festa.
(Dec. 17, 2022) The Formation Institute of St. Hannibal (FISH) organized an Advent recollection in the convent of the Passionist Sisters (contemplative community) for all the Aspirants and Postulants from all the Religious Congregations who are present and serving in the Diocese of Maumere. Fr. Petrus Marianus RCJ, Director of the Institute, was the recollection Master attended by around 200 formands and their respective formators.
(Dec. 15) Confreres of the Rogationist Mission Station of Indonesia, headed by its Superior, Fr. Herbert Cabral Magbuo, paid a visit to the Mons. Ewaldus Martinus Sedu, Bishop of Maumere, to present our Congregation and its members as well as all our formation and apostolate activities in this diocese. The Bishop welcomed the Rogationists in his simplicity and spent the morning with fraternal sharing and plans for the future of our Mission Station and for our fruitful apostolate in Maumere.
In the Rogationist formation houses of St. Matthew Province, singing Christmas carols in homes has now become a tradition. Originally intended to gather funds for the apostolate of the community, this activity has been transformed into a means of evangelization, that is, a fitting occasion to announce the good news of the incarnation of the Son of God. Groups of seminarians and religious students sing in houses with selection songs that tell the story of the history of salvation. During the pandemic, the carols were held online.