3rd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter Update 6. Day 5, October 19

St. Matthew Province leadership team.
P. John Lucas: Vicario Provinciale, Consigliere per le parrocchie,  Laicato  e pastorale giovanile
P. Jessie Martirizar: Consigliere per il Rogate
P. Alfonso Flores: Economo Provinciale
P. Ronaldo Masilang: Consigliere per il servizio di carità e missione P.
P. Ronaldo Paulino: Consigliere per la vita religiosa,  formazione e pastorale vocazionale
P. Orville Cajigal: Superiore Provinciale

The St. Matthew Province has a new servant-leadership team which the 53 capitulars of the 3rd Provincial Superior have elected today,  Oct. 19, at the Di Francia Auditorium of the Rogationist College Cavite. 


Fr. Orville Cajigal: Provincial Superior, re-elected 

Fr. John Joffer Lucas: Vicar Provincial,  Councilor for the Parishes, Laity and Youth Ministry 

Fr. Jessie Martirizar: Councilor for the Rogate 

Fr. Ronaldo Paulino: Councilor for Religious Life, Formation and Vocation Ministry 

St. Matthew Province re-elects Fr. Cajigal as Superior

The members of the 3rd Provincial Chapter of the St. Matthew Province have re-elected Fr. Orville Cajigal as the Superior of the Circumscription for another four-year term, 2022-2026. His election was confirmed by Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, Superior General, who is the President of the Provincial Chapter, after having consulted the General Councilors.

Fr. Cajigal, 45, was born in Quezon City in 1977. He has been a Rogationist religious for 24 years and a priest for 16 years.

Congratulations! We pray for graces needed in the fulfillment of this service of authority.

Mons. Evangelista of Imus Diocese at the SMP Chapter

His Excellency Mons. Rey Evangelista, Bishop of the Diocese of Imus (Cavite), presided over the Holy Mass on the fifth day of the St. Matthew Provincial Chapter. During the homily, he underlined that “unity” is first of all a unity in the Triune God. This is the foundation of the unity of any Christian community and religious family. He said that unity is the gift of Jesus who prayed to his heavenly Father that his followers would truly be one as He and the Father are one.

Father General at St. Anthony’s Boys Village – Cavite

(Oct. 18) The Chapter members joined the educative community of St. Anthony’s Boys Village, Cavite for dinner at the refectory of the Village. This was the occasion for Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta, Fr. Brizio Greco, and the rest of the Capitulars to greet the 80 intern students of the SABV. At the end of the meal, Fr. Rampazzo and Fr. Brizio Greco greeted the boys with words of encouragement which they welcomed with joy. 

3rd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter Update 5. Day 4, October 18


Today is the feast day of St. Luke, one of the Evangelists of the Rogate. The day started with the Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Rene Ramirez, Superior of the Community in Melbourne, Australia. Fr. Al John Provido, Formator of the Postulants, delivered the homily. At the end of the Mass, the Assembly prayed for Fr. Provido and Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun who are celebrating their birthday.


3rd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter Update 4. Day 3, October 17

Update 4. Day 3, October 17


3rd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter Update 3. Day 2, October 16

Update 3. Day 2, October 16

Meeting with the students and teachers of Rogationist College Cavite

The Superior General, Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, and the Treasurer General, Fr. Brizio Giovanni Greco greeted the students and teachers of the Rogationist College Cavite on October 16, 2022, during the Morning Prayer at the covered court. The two general officials are at the premises of the school where the 3rd Chapter of St. Matthew Province is currently being held. This school year, the students and teachers are back to the face-to-face modality after two years of online classes due to the Covid pandemic.

3rd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter Update 2. Day 1, October 15

The Chapter members started arriving at the Oasis of Prayer – Rogate Center of Spirituality in Silang, Cavite. At 6.30 pm, they all gathered at the St. Matthew Chapel of the Center for the solemn vespers and Eucharistic adoration, followed by a welcome dinner and moment of fraternity. 

There are 53 Chapter delegates coming from various communities in Australia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and Vietnam. 

3rd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter Update 1. Summary information

3rd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter

Theme: The Rogationists Today. Unity, Collaboration, and Sharing.

Chapter members: 53 (40% of perpetually professed confreres of the St. Matthew Province on the date of the convocation of the Chapter).

By states of life: Priests – 49; Deacon – 1; Brothers – 3.

By nationality at birth: Filipinos – 48; Indonesians: 2; Italian – 1; Vietnamese – 2.

Youngest: Dcn. Lloyd Villahermosa, 29 years old

Oldest: Fr. Ricardo Caperina, 71 years old


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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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