11 New Rogationist Deacons

24.09.2021 - The St. Matthew Province of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus welcomes 11 new deacons. Through the imposition of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit, Most Rev. Reynaldo Evangelista, DD, Bishop of Imus ordained Bro. Augustinus Afridus, RCJ, Bro. Philip Alensolurin, RCJ, Bro. Alvin Jasper Cruz, RCJ, Bro. Damianus Doe, RCJ, Bro. Joseph Nguyen Hung Cuong, RCJ, Bro. Joachim Nguyen Tien Thanh, RCJ, Bro. Queenan Louie Noquiao, RCJ, Bro. Joseph Phung Minh Dang, RCJ, Bro.Joseph Phung Ngoc Si, RCJ, Bro. Jeffrey Salvador, RCJ and Bro.

Rogationist Seminary- Cebu

September 24, 2021

Given the 31st Founding Anniversary of the St. Hannibal Formation Center Cebu which was last September 21, 2021, the community organized a short program and simple yet sumptuous dinner. Together with the above-mentioned event, it was also a special gathering to celebrate the anniversaries and birthdays of the confreres and seminarians for the month of September.

ORDENACIÓN SACERDOTAL del diácono Rodrigo E. Golán

El día 25 de septiembre, a las 10.30 hs, en Campana (Argentina), el diácono Rodrigo E. Golán será ordenado presbítero en la Celebración Eucarística que presidirá el obispo de Zárate-Campana Mons. Pedro María Laxague. Rodrigo es ex alumno del Colegio Rogacionista de Camana, fue ordenado diácono el 29 de agosto de 2020, en San Pablo (Brasil) y actualmente trabaja en la comunidad de Campana. Argentina continúa con las fronteras cerradas, pero lo celebración será transmitida por el cana de youtube de la parroquia (@parroquiadelcarmencampana)

Ordinazione Sacerdotale P. Nicola Salvatore Catanese

Sabato 25 settembre 2021, alle ore 17.30, nella Basilica Santuario Sant'Antonio di Padova, Messina, il confratello P. Salvatore Nicola Catanese sarà ordinato Presbitero per le mani di Mons. Giovanni Accolla, Arcivescovo Metropolita di Messina – Lipari – Santa Lucia delle Mela – Archimandrita del SS. Salvatore.

Il novello Sacerdote presiederà la sua prima S. Messa, domenica 26 settembre 2021, alle ore 11.00 nella Chiesa Madre di San Pier Niceto (ME)

Bishop meets incoming deacons

Three days before their Ordination, the eleven deacons-elect of Saint Matthew Province had a virtual meeting with the Ordaining Prelate, Bishop Reynaldo Evangelista of the Diocese of Imus, on September 22, 2021. The candidates shared about their respective family background and vocation stories. The Bishop, in turn, narrated also his own vocation journey. He reminded the incoming deacons of the priority of their spiritual life and service of neighbors. The conversation ended with words of gratitude and the Blessing of the Bishop.

Online course for Religious in Practical Training

(St. Matthew Province) Due to the pervading restrictions caused by Covid-19, this year’s annual meeting of the Religious in Practical Training of Saint Matthew Province takes on a virtual platform. Fr. Ronaldo Paulino, the Rector of Father Hannibal Formation Center (Seminary) in Paranaque, facilitates the online meeting with a three-part series on Fr. Joseph Aveni’s Thoughts on the Practical Training scheduled on September 21, 28, and October 5.

Licentiate Theses for the Academic Year 2020-2021

Fr. Magbuo RCJ with his professors at the Gregorian University after the thesis defense.

The Academic Year 2020-2021 concluded with three confreres in specialization residing at the General Curia in Rome completing their licentiate programs.   

Fr. Breynard Peji, a Filipino belonging to the Saint Matthew Province, completed his licentiate in Canon Law at the Lateran Pontifical University. His thesis was on Sexual Abuses on Minors by the Catholic Priests in the Philippine Context.

Inhumation de la Missionnaire Rogationniste Mukankusi Didacienne

En ce mardi 21 septembre 2021, la famille biologique, les collègues, les amis et toute la grande famille du Rogate, representée par les prêtres Rogationnistes, les Sœurs Filles du Divin Zèle,  les Missionnaires Rogationnistes sont venus rendre un dernier homage à leur bien-aimée sœur,  amie, collègue et consoeur Didacienne décédée le 16 septembre. 

Presbyterial ordination of Revs Marsel, Oman and Yoris

On the occasion of the Feast of St. Matthew, the Missionary Station of Maumere, Indonesia celebrated and witnessed the Ordination to the Priesthood of Fr. Marselinus Koka, RCJ, Fr. Yoseph Emanuel Rua RCJ, Fr. Frederikus Yorius Ndawi, RCJ, at the parish of Saint Mary Magdalene, Nangahure on September 21, 2021, through the invocation of the Holy Spirit and the imposition of hands by Most Rev. Edwaldus Martinus Sedu, DD, Bishop of Maumere. Confreres, headed by Fr.

Ordination of three Indonesian priests

Fr. Marselinus Koka RCJ, Fr. Frederikus Yorius Ndawi RCJ, and Fr. Yoseph Emanuel Rua RCJ were ordained priests by Mons. Eldwaldus Martinus Sedu, Bishop of Maumere, Indonesia. It was held at St. Mary Magdalene Parish Church in Nangahure, Alok Barat, Maumere on September 21, 2021, the Feast of Saint Matthew. 


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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