Professione Perpetua

Nella Provincia San Matteo, domani, 31 maggio, tredici novizi emettono la loro prima professione religiosa, assieme agli altri giovani religiosi che rinnovano i sacri voti. Inoltre, dieci postulanti  compiono il loro ingresso in noviziato, e infine, il 1° giugno, solennità per noi del Fondatore, sant’Annibale Maria Di Francia, emettono la loro professione perpetua: Bro. Zander Conson, RCJ, Bro. Jose Gasta, RCJ,  Bro. Jonrey Lauron, RCJ, Bro. Marcelino Lavente, Jr, RCJ, Bro. Ferdinandus Heldi Tanga, RCJ e Bro. Esperidion Verano, Jr, RCJ.

Deaconal Ordination

May 31, 2016 – Two brothers, Bro. Sibin Poovely and Bro. Fijo Malit,  will be ordained deacons today at Rogate Ashram by his excellency most Rev. Bishop Mathew Vaniyakizhekkel. Representatives from all the rogationist communities Daughters of Divine Zeal, friends and benefactors will join in the ordination ceremony.

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The seminarians leaving for Nalgonda

The seminarians leaving for Nalgonda for their formative stage, postulancy. The Rogate Bhavan community,  Manathawady expressed their gratitude to Fr. Sabu for the fruitful commitment fulfilled as the superior of the community. The community wished the postulants a fruitful formative experience at nalgonda as they leave for this formative stage. Fr. Sabu accompanied the seminarians to Nalgonda. 

Festa de Santo Anibal Maria Di Francia

​Caro Amig@,
Segue lembrete da Festa de Santo Aníbal Maria Di Francia.
Data: 01/06/2016
Horário: 19h
Local: Av. Santa Marina, 534 - Água Branca
Iniciará com missa solene, presidida por Dom Devair Araújo da Fonseca,
Bispo Auxiliar da Arquidiocese de São Paulo e Vigário da Região Episcopal
da Brasilândia, em honra a Santo Aníbal Maria Di Francia.
Após a missa, teremos confraternização junina.

Assemblea dei Superiori Generali

Dal 25 al 27 maggio il Padre Generale, P. Angelo A. Mezzari, ha partecipato alla 87ª Assemblea Semestrale dell’Unione dei Superiori Generali, che si è tenuta presso il Salesianum di Roma ed ha avuto per tema “Vita Consacrata -  Radicali nella profezia”. Alcune relazioni: “Di che cosa parliamo quando parliamo di profezia della vita consacrata?” (Fr. Mauro Jöhri OFMCapp) – “Reforming Consacrated Life and Mission: Being Radical in Prophecy – A Deconstructive Reading” (P.


The Superior of the Delegation, Fr. Antonio Fiorenza made the Canonical Visit to the community of St. Elizabeth Parish in Van nuys from May 24-25, 2016. Fr. Edwin documented the said visit.

            The community in Van nuys is composed of Fr. Antonio Fiorenza as superior and director of Rogate Center, Fr. Vito di Marzio, Pastor and Vice Superior, Fr. Denny Avimoottil, Treasurer and Assistant Pastor.

Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Empowerment Center

On May 23-24, 2016, the Provincial Superior, Fr. Herman Abcede, with the Provincial Treasurer, Bro. Nilo Pelobello spent moments of meeting and personal encounters with the members of the religious community of the St. Hannibal Empowerment Center in Pasay City, Manila during their Canonical Visit there. The visitators also had the opportunity to meet the leaders of the areas the SHEC serves and some of their benefactors. The short visit was documented by Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun, the Provincial Secretary. Our sincere thanks to Fr. Dexter Prudenciano, Fr. Orville Cajigal and Fr.

Perpetual Profession - Aluva

Today 10 brothers will make their perpetual profession and 26 brothers will make their renewal of profession at Rogate Ashram Aluva. The Rogationist St. Thomas Quasi Province rejoices and give thanks to God for the first profession of seven novices and the entrance to the novitiate of 12 postulants. The celebration took place in the minor seminary, Rogate Bhavan Cheriyamkolly. The superior of the house, Fr. Sabu Pulimalayil extended a warm welcome to the Major Superior, Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, who recevied the vows. Fr. Devassy Pianadeth shared the reflection to the newly professed brothers.

Perpetual Profession - Aluva

Today 10 brothers will make their perpetual profession and 26 brothers will make their renewal of profession at Rogate Ashram Aluva. The Rogationist St. Thomas Quasi Province rejoices and give thanks to God for the first profession of seven novices and the entrance to the novitiate of 12 postulants. The celebration took place in the minor seminary, Rogate Bhavan Cheriyamkolly. The superior of the house, Fr. Sabu Pulimalayil extended a warm welcome to the Major Superior, Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, who recevied the vows. Fr. Devassy Pianadeth shared the reflection to the newly professed brothers.

"Friends of Fr. Joseph Aveni"

"Friends of Fr. Joseph Aveni" -devotion to Mary. We should be devoted to the Holy Rosary. The most concrete form of this devotion is the perfect consecration to Mary… Pope John Paul II said that the Holy Rosary for him is a daily encounter with our Lady. The Holy Rosary is a very powerful weapon against evil. The Church encyclical “Marialis Cultus” calls the rosary the compendium of the entire Gospel. We can pray the Rosary in three ways: (1) By contemplating the mysteries, (2) by reflecting on the words of the Hail Mary, and (2) by looking at Mary.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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