10th Death Anniversary of Fr Luigi Toffanin at STQP

Aluva, 23/08/2023: The tenth death anniversary of Fr Luigi Tofffanin, a great missionary with all kinds of virtues and a perfect model for a zealous priest as formator, leader, teacher and administrator, who spent his life for mission of Rogate in India for 14 years, has been commemorated with all vigour and due remembrances. The concelebrated Holy Eucharist in honour of him was presided over by Fr Shajan Pazhayil, Major Superior, and many of our priests, DDZ Sisters from different communities, SD Sisters, brothers, neighbours, well wishers and those who cherish the living memory of Fr Luigi were present during the mass and thereafter for the commemoration meeting held at Rogate Ashram, at 6 PM. The meeting was held after the mass where many of them shared their experiences with Fr Luigi. All of them shared that, there is no doubt for the sanctity and holiness with other virtues of Fr Luigi. After the meeting, all joined for the agape and left for home. We still love Fr Luigi and cherish his remembrances. May He rest in peace. amen.

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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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