Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Rogate Center

Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior spent time to be with the religious community of the St. Hannibal Rogate Center, which also house the Seat of the Province, its Postulancy Program and the Provincial Missionary Office. He dedicated June 8-10, 2016 to this Canonical Visit, which was highlighted by encounters with the religious and the postulants. The affair was officially opened with the celebration of the Holy Mass, which Fr. Abcede himself presided over, in the occasion of his 20th Priestly Ordination Anniversary. May St.

Perpetual Profession and 25th Anniversary

Renewal and Perpetual Profession of the Vows and 25th Anniversary of the Religious Profession of Bro. Eduardo De Palma - In honor of St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia, on June 1, 2016, the St. Matthew Province congratulated Bro. Eduardo De Palma in his 25th Anniversary of his Religious Profession, in a Eucharist celebration presided over by Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior. Within the same liturgy, 31 brothers renewed their vows, while 6 others, namely: Bro. Zander Conson, Bro. Jose Gasta, Bro. Jonrey Lauron, Bro. Marcelino Lavente, Bro. Ferdinandus Tanga and Bro.

Blessing of the Provincial Missionary Office of the S.M.P.

Graced by the presence of Fr. Orville Cajigal, the Provincial Councilor in-charge of the Sector on Charity and Missions, Fr. Herman Abcede blessed the newly organized Provincial Missionary Office (PMO), which links the Province to the Central Missionary Office in General Curia in Rome, facilitates the celebration of the annual Rogationist Mission Day, coordinates the preparation and implementation of projects in the missions, works on the Adoption schemes, and assists the missionaries in their varied needs. Thanks to the efforts of Bro.

Admission to the Novitiate and First Profession

Admission to the Novitiate and First Profession of the Vows at the St. Matthew Province

Professione Perpetua

Nella Provincia San Matteo, domani, 31 maggio, tredici novizi emettono la loro prima professione religiosa, assieme agli altri giovani religiosi che rinnovano i sacri voti. Inoltre, dieci postulanti  compiono il loro ingresso in noviziato, e infine, il 1° giugno, solennità per noi del Fondatore, sant’Annibale Maria Di Francia, emettono la loro professione perpetua: Bro. Zander Conson, RCJ, Bro. Jose Gasta, RCJ,  Bro. Jonrey Lauron, RCJ, Bro. Marcelino Lavente, Jr, RCJ, Bro. Ferdinandus Heldi Tanga, RCJ e Bro. Esperidion Verano, Jr, RCJ.

Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Empowerment Center

On May 23-24, 2016, the Provincial Superior, Fr. Herman Abcede, with the Provincial Treasurer, Bro. Nilo Pelobello spent moments of meeting and personal encounters with the members of the religious community of the St. Hannibal Empowerment Center in Pasay City, Manila during their Canonical Visit there. The visitators also had the opportunity to meet the leaders of the areas the SHEC serves and some of their benefactors. The short visit was documented by Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun, the Provincial Secretary. Our sincere thanks to Fr. Dexter Prudenciano, Fr. Orville Cajigal and Fr.

Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Mary Discernment Center - Mina

With personal dialogues, community encounters and much prayers, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior and Bro. Nilo Pelobello, the Provincial Treasurer, just concluded the Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Mary Discernment Center in Mina, Iloilo from May 3 until 6 of 2016. The entire affair was documented by the Provincial Secretary, Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun. Our sincerest thanks for the warm welcome and hospitality of Fr. Marcelino Diaz II, Bro. Lloyd Villahermoza and Bro. Bryan Tutas.

Invitations and solicitation from Vietnam

How are you? hope you're doing good. I'm sending you the invitations of our first vietnamese candidates; one will be ordained deacon,3 will profess perpetually and 3 others will be renewing their vows. We would like also to ask from you some financial support to augment our expenses for these events that will take place here in VN for the first time. thanks so much! God bless! P. Noel

Canonical Visit to the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish

Our gratitude to Fr. Alfonso Flores, Fr. Ulrich Gacayan, Fr. Rito Ybañez and Fr. Dante Quidayan for their warm welcome and hospitality during the Canonical Visit of Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior and Bro. Nilo Pelobello, the Provincial Treasurer to the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish in Multinational Village, Parañaque City on April 26-27, 2016. Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun, the Provincial Secretary documented the event. The short visit was highlighted by personal dialogues and common encounter with the confreres.


The Rogationist St. Matthew Province celebrated the 53rd World Day of Prayer for Vocations with the annual Youth Gathering called "Magbokasyon sa Bakasyon", to make the young be ​come more ​aware of the importance of ​p​raying and ​p​romoting ​v​ocations to the Priestly and Consecrated Life. Th​is year's celebration was simultaneously held in different communities of the Province, particularly in Parañaque, Cavite, Cebu, Davao, Ilocos, Bataan, Iloilo and Pangasinan.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
© 2023 xxxxx