RogAsianist in Vision

The Rogationist Philippine-Indian Delegation has started on April 9, 2007 a 3-day assembly of all the perpetually professed religious of the circumscription at the Oasis of Prayer in Silang, Cavite. The official meeting, coinciding with the end of the term of the current Delegation government, is convoked for the purpose of programming the orientations of the new Government for the next four years. The fifty-four participants come from all the houses in the Philippines and the superiors and responsible of houses and missionary stations in India, Indonesia, Korea, Papua New Guinea and Vietnam. Fr. Giorgio Nalin, Rogationist Superior General, presides over the assembly. Fr. Herman Abcede acts as moderator and Fr. John Lucas is the secretary.


The assembly started with the mid-afternoon liturgy presided over by Msgr. Luis Antonio Tagle, Bishop of Imus, who also expressed his best wishes for the fruitful result of the meeting. Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, current Major Superior said words of welcome to the participants. Afterwards, Fr. Giorgio Nalin called the roll of names. Then, he delivered words of introduction about the assembly.


The rest of the afternoon was dedicated to the presentation of the current situations and the future perspectives of the various houses situated outside the Philippines. Fr. Luigi Toffanin, Fr. Varghese PG and Fr. Joseph Mailaparambil presented about the houses in India, accompanied by video clips. Fr. Daniel Kim reported about the house in Korea. Fr. Henry Ramos described the missionary station in Indonesia. Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta and Fr. Ronaldo Victoria gave an account of the Rogationist mission in Vietnam and Papua New Guinea, respectively. After dinner, Treasurer General Fr. Giuseppe Bove met with all the treasurers of the various houses of the Philippine Indian Delegation.



Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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