Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Peter Truong Viet Thien

(August 27). Today is Fr. Peter's turn to celebrate his Thanksgiving Mass in his hometown parish of Xuan An in the Diocese of Xuan Loc. He was ordained a priest a week ago in Dalat, Vietnam, together with 5 other Rogationist confreres.

The Mass was well participated by Rogationist Confreres,  including the other 5 Rogationists Priests ordained with him. Present too were some diocesan clergy, religious,  and the laity of the Parish. A banquet and festivities were held after the Eucharist.



Two new Deacons at the St. Matthew Province

With the ordination of Rev. Agustinus Bria, RCJ (Indonesian) and Rev. Lloyd Villahermosa, RCJ (Filipino) by Most Rev. Jesse Mercado, DD, Bishop of Parañaque, on August 27, 2022, the St. Matthew Province of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus welcomed two new deacons. Participating in the solemn celebration at the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies, some physically and others virtually, were confreres, families, friends and benefactors, who were one with the congregation in praying for these and more Vocations in the Church.

Canonical Visit to Vietnam

Following an unexpected and extended postponement due to the travel restrictions imposed at the peak of the pandemic, Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, the Provincial Superior, took the opportunity to do the Canonical Visit to Vietnam, on August 16-26, 2022. Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun, RCJ, the Provincial Secretary, joined him to document the visitation and to check on the documents of the community.

St. John Berchmans: Patron of Innocence, Patron of the Novitiate

August 13, 2022, Rogationist Novitiate House, Silang Cavite - The Novitiate of the Rogationist of the Heart of Jesus, St Matthew Province celebrated the feast of St. John Berchmans, its patron saint with a recollection and Holy Eucharist during the first part of the day.

Diaconal Ordination

The St. Matthew Province of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus invites you to the Ordination of our two religious students to the Sacred Order of Deacons, at the Holy Spirit Chapel of the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies, on August 27, 2022, 10:00am. The liturgy will be presided over by His Excellency, Most Rev. Jesse Mercado, DD, Bishop of Parañaque.

Thanksgiving Mass of Fr. Paul Duc Chinh

Fr. Paul presiding over the Mass.
Fr. Paul presiding over the Mass.
Some of the Concelebrants.
The parishioners.
During the Mass.
The Rogationist confreres from Vietnam and the Philippines who concelebrated.
Fr. Paul Chinh a d Dcn. Francis Xavier Phuc Thien, who belong to the Parish, were ordained together in Dalat last August 19.
The Parish Priest presenting Fr. Paul and his parents.
The Parish Choir offering a song.
The Rogationist seminary community rendering a song.
The new Rogationist Priests rendering a song.
At the lunch reception.

August 21. The newly ordained Rogationist priest,  Fr. Paul Duc Chinh celebrated his first Thanksgiving Mass at his home parish of Our Mother of Perpetual Help in Bao Loc, Vietnam. He was assisted by a Rogationist deacon from the same parish. They were both ordained last August 19 in Dalat. A good number of Rogationists from Vietnam and the Philippines were present. Apart from the parishioners, there was also a a big number of religious, friends, and benefactors.

Thanksgiving Mass of three new Rogationist priests from the same parish

20 August. Fr. Joseph Nguyen Hung Cuong, RCJ, Fr. Joseph Phung Minh Dang, RCJ and Fr. Dominic Phung Ngoc Si, RCJ, three of the newly ordained Rogationist Vietnamese Priests celebrated their Thanksgiving Mass at the Lạc Lâm Parish, in Đơn Dương District, Lâm Đồng Province, Vietnam. The three belong to the same Parish. The Mass was concelebrated by around 40 Priests and approximately 1,500 faithful participated.

Sacerdotal and Diaconal Ordinations in Vietnam





Rogationist Academy, Davao resumes face-to-face classes

Mass of the Holy Spirit presided over by Fr. Francis Paul Escano, Rector of RA-Davao
Faculty members making their pledge as educators.
RA students attending the Mass of the Holy Spirit.
Mass of the Holy Spirit.
Face-to-face lessons resume after two years of Covid-restrictuoins
Face-to-face lessons resume after two years of Covid-restrictuoins
Face-to-face lessons resume after two years of Covid-restrictuoins
General Assembly.
General Assembly.
General Assembly.

(August 2) The educational community of the Rogationist Academy in Toril, Davao, Philippines opens the new School Year 2022-2023 with the resumption of face-to-face classes after two years of online classes due to the Covid-19 restrictions. The Mass of the Holy Spirit, attended by the student body and teachers at the school’s covered court, was presided over by Fr. Francis Paul Escano, Rector of the Rogationist Academy – Davao. Immediately after, the students went to their respective classrooms for their lessons.

Rogationist Priestly Ordinations in Vietnam for the first time

            Six Vietnamese Rogationist Deacons: Paul Tran Duc Chinh, Dominic Phung Ngoc Si, Peter Truong Viet Thien, Joseph Phung Minh Dang, Joseph Nguyen Hung Cuong, and Joachim Nguyen Tien Thanh will be ordained priests through the imposition of the hands by Mons. Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of Dalat, on August 19, 2022, at the Chapel of the Dalat Pastoral Center. Cardinal Peter Nguyen Van Nhon, Archbishop Emeritus of Hanoi, and Mons. Anthony Vu Huy Chuong, Bishop Emeritus of Dalat, have expressed their intention to be present in the Ordination.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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