Admission to the Novitiate and First Profession of the Vows at the St. Matthew Province
On May 31, 2016, in a Eucharistic liturgy celebrating the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, entrusted 10 postulants to Fr. Cesare Bettoni, the Novice Master, who in turn presented to him 13 Novices, whose First Profession of the Vows he gladly received. May these gifts of Vocations from the Lord of the Harvest, give us more reason to trust in His promise that He himself will indeed send laborers in His Church, if we pray. May Mary, Queen and Mother of the Rogate, intercede for this young men that they may be holy in their consecrated life!
Bro. Christian Allan R. De Sagun, RCJ