(Nov 19) The Rogationist Mission Station of Indonesia (MSI) celebrates three special occasions today. The first is the 18th anniversary of the Rogationist presence in Indonesia, the second is the Priestly Anniversary of Fr. Petrus Marianus RCJ, and the third is the Admission of our new formands in the stage of Seminary Preparatory Year (SPY) or the Propedeutic stage. Among the six Rogationists in the SPY, there are also six other Stigmatine formands who are joining the program of the Rogationists in the formation house located in Wailiti. The Stigmatines have asked the Rogationists in Maumere (Indonesia) to accommodate their SPY candidates in this stage of vocation discernment and initial formation.
For the School Year 2022-2023, there are a total of 34 formands: six SPY, five 1st year, six 2nd year, six 3rd year, and five 4th year.