Prayer for the Glorification of the Servant of God Fr. Joseph Aveni RCJ

Msgr. Jesse Mercado, Bishop of Paranaque, has given his imprimatur to the Prayer for the Glorification of the Servant of God, Fr. Joseph Aveni RCJ, on July 9, 2021. The Nihil obstat was given by Fr. Roderick Pacoma, Chairman of the Diocesan Commission on Liturgy and Popular Religiosity.
The Cause of the Canonization of Fr. Aveni was officially started in the Diocese of Paranaque on February 1, 2020.


Almighty and loving Father, you have chosen Fr. Joseph Aveni to be the spiritual guide to those who seek your Will. May your name be glorified by numbering him among the Blessed and Saints in Your Church, and through his intercession, grant us the favor we long for (mention here your personal intention), so that like him, we may also find our joy in fulfilling your Will. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


marinelli's picture
Submitted by marinelli on Tue, 07/20/2021 - 18:46
<p>Lodiamo Dio per i passi che permette di compiere perchè P. Aveni possa essere posto sul "candeliere" ...&nbsp; Vorrei elevare al Signore la preghiera predisposta. Anche se l'inglese è lingua molto conosciuta, però non è universale! SI POTREBBE AVERE LA TRADUZIONE IN ITALIANO ( e altre lingue quelle della nostra congregazione) ?&nbsp; Ringrazio ANTICIPATAMENTE chi me la fornirà.&nbsp; &nbsp;P. Michele Marinelli rcj</p>
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