31-10-2020 - ‘"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. (Jn 15,5)
St. Thomas quasi province gladly rejoices over God’s bountiful blessing for one more new priest for the Congregation. Today, on the occasion of the conclusion of Marian Month, (31/10/2020) His Grace Bishop Tony Neelankavil, Auxiliary bishop of Thrissur archdiocese, ordained Rev. Simoj Chakiath to the Sacred Order of Priesthood.
In spite of strict Covid 19 social restrictions, the celebration was held in great faith and devotion. Gracefully joining the family of Rev. Simoj, few priests, sisters and close friends and relatives of Chakiath Family witnessed the solemn celebration. Bishop Tony solemnly officiated at the Eucharistic Banquet and everyone joyfully praised God for this marvelous gift to the congregation as well as to the church. Though due to corona virus restriction only 40 people could physically participate, many could join the celebration via online streaming. Let us thank and praise God for his marvelous gift.
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