Founder's Day

The Rogate Bhavan Community celebrated the concluding section of the Founder's day of the school year. the celebrations began in the morning with the Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Shajan Pazhayil RCJ the Major Superior of St. Thomas Quasi Province. In the evening of the day there was conference on the topic 'Fr. Hannibal and the Virtue of Charity'. After the conference Fr. Shajan addressed the community and talked about the connection between Rogate and charity. There after  Fr. Sabu Thanked Fr. Shajan for his presence and his support and he invited fr. Shajan to reveal 'Kaiyezhuthu Magazine' prepared by the seminarians, which is named as 'Penuel'. Fr. Shajan revealed the book and Fr. Sabu received it. Fr. Sabu told that this magazine is connected with the year of mercy and because of that the name 'Penuel' was selected. Penuel means the face of God and so the Face of God is the Face of Mercy. Fr. Shajan congratulated the superior and the community for that beautiful work. The celebrations ended up with a basket ball competition in the night.

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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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