In a 12-day personal encounter through the unconscious, 16 participating religious completed the “Bartimaeus: A journey to sight (A Personal Encounter with True Self)” Program. From June 12-23, 2017, after a simple medical and psychological assessment, the religious where facilitated through a series of audio and visual guided relaxation sessions, which culminated with a 10-session one-on-one processing that revealed the meaning of each of the “unconscious” visualization activities they accomplished. Enveloped in constant prayers, this program which promotes rest, refreshment and recreation ended envisioning fruitful accomplishment of what it aimed at, namely, 1) to attain integration of the three core human aspects: physical, psychological and spiritual, 2) to feel, to think and to act positively in accordance with the learnings and insights acquired from the program, and 3) to be an instrument of change in influencing others with positive insights, behavior and spiritual strengths. Sincere appreciation for the accompaniment and services of the postulants, with Bro. John Francis Aberion and Fr. Jessie Martirizar, and of course, for the generous hospitality of the religious community of the Oasis of Prayer, led by Fr. Alvin Fulgencio. Finally, grateful for always opening the doors of their reinvigorating abode to our religious family, we offer for each of the members of the Cortez family our sincere and constant prayers.