New Seminarians and start of the Formation Year

Philippines (Manila)
Philippines (Manila)

The St. Matthew Province has opened the new formation year 2020-2021 with the entrance of new aspirants to its seminaries in Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Despite the crisis brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, though with many challenges, the Lord of the Harvest has granted the Church and the Congregation with the gift of vocations.

La Natività della Beata Vergine Maria a Circonvallazione Appia

12-09-2020 - Presso la parrocchia Sant'Antonio in circonvallazione Appia - Roma CELEBRAZIONE EUCARISTICA presieduta da Padre Bruno Rampazzo, Superiore generale dei Rogazionisti, per la Festa del SS. Nome di MARIA nell'Anno mariano Parrocchiale. Dopo la Santa Messa recita del Santo Rosario e processione interna con la statuina di MARIA BAMBINELLA.

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Gli esercizi spirituali del Padre Generale

 13 settembre 2020 – Dal tardo pomeriggio di oggi 13 fino a giorno 18 settembre il Superiore Generale, P. Bruno Rampazzo, compirà gli esercizi spirituali annuali nella sede di Passionisti, ai Santi Giovanni e Paolo, a Roma. Si associano a lui P. Matteo Sanavio e P.  Giacomo Alberto Rossini. Saranno dettati da P. Innocenzo Gargano OSB Cam e avranno come tema Elementi di vita spirituale nel presbitero oggi. Accompagniamo i confratelli con la preghiera.

Centro Educativo en Tonalà (Mexico)

El CENTRO EDUCATIVO ROGACIONISTA (CER) en Tonala, Mexico organizó la repartición de la despensa a 300 familias de bajos recursos. Las despensas fueron repartidas en el 12 de septiembre y fue realizada con el apoyo de la Familia Rogacionista y algunos laicos Voluntarios. 

The ROGATIONIST EDUCATIONAL CENTER (CER) in Tonala, Mexico, distributed food packets to  300 poor and needy families. It was  done on the 12 of september. The Distribution was made possible with the help of the members of the Rogationist Family and some friends and volunteers.

2nd Bread of St. Anthony Station

(Vietnam) The Rogationist community has recently opened its second Bread of St. Anthony Station located in the Diocese of Phu Cuong adding to the one introduced in the Archdiocese of Ho Chi Minh last year. The Bread of St. Anthony is distributed to the poor in the area for an extremely low price. The initiative is in partnership of the lay collaborators who are especially devoted to St. Anthony of Padua.

In the footsteps of St. Hannibal - Formators on pilgrimage to Messina

The participants of this year’s Formation for Rogationist Formators went to Messina for the last phase of the program which focuses on the pilgrimages to the places related to the life of St. Hannibal Mary and the development of the Congregation in its origins.

St. Thomas Quasi-Province – Priestly Ordination an First Holy Mass

September 8, 2020 Priestly Ordination of Rev. Rinish Arackaparambil.

Due to the pandemic Covid 19 issues and social restrictions, Priestly Ordination of Rev.Rinish Arackaparambil will be held at Rogate Ashram Chapel. Bishop Emeritus his Grace Mathew Vaniakizhakkel VC will ordain him to the Sacred Order of Priesthood. Only 40 people will be allowed to participate in this long awaited graceful celebration.

September 29, 2020 Priestly Ordination of Rev. Anish Nellithanathuparambil

65 Housing Units turned over to beneficiaries

(Pasay City, Philippines) The official turn-over of the housing units to 65 families marked a milestone in this year’s celebration of the Rogationist Mission Day in St. Matthew Province. After 10 years of preparation, the 5-storey apartment building is now a reality for the 65 families of the St. Hannibal Homeowners' Association, Phase 17, Malibay, Pasay City. God is faithful indeed even amidst the pandemic.

St. Matthew Province celebrates the Rogationist Mission Day

St. Matthew Province celebrates the annual Rogationist Mission Day on the Feast of the Nativity of Mary. This year’s celebration is special because the beneficiary of the Mission Day Project is the Mission Youth Center in Davao, Philippines.
Fr. Bruno Rampazzo sent a video message for the occasion. Similar video messages were also sent by Fr. Orville Cajigal, the SMP Provincial, and Fr. Francis Escano, the Superior fo St. Anthony’s Boys Village in Davao.

Formation Institute of Saint Hannibal (FISH) starts new school year

(Maumere, Indonesia) The Formation Institute of Saint Hannibal (FISH) begins the school year 2020-2021 with the opening mass on September 2 at Aula Susteran ALMA Wairklau presided by the Mons. Edwaldus Martinus Sedu, Bishop of Maumere, and concelebrated by Fr. Ferdinandus Tanga, RCJ, FISH main coordinator. Present too were formators and formands from about 20 female and male Congregations in Maumere who attend the program at the Institute.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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