November 06, 2014:-The STQP, India, gathered together at Rogate Ashram to thank the Lord for the 25 years of religious profession of the first two Indian priests, Fr. Joseph and Fr. Devassy and to wish the new missionaries to Sri Lanka, Fr. Varghese and Fr. Deleep. We had a thanksgiving con celebrated Holy Eucharist at 06:00 pm in the Rogate Ashram Chapel. Fr. Shajan shared during the homily about the importance of this 25 years of religious consecration and the mission opening, he invited all the religious students to prepare well to continue the mission that we begin now in Sri Lanka. On November 07, they start their missionary initiation in the diocese of Ratnapura, Sri Lanka. Fr. Shajan, the Major Superior will accompany them. Fathers and brothers from the different communities represented in the celebration.