Apta Consultatio at Our Lady of Rogate Ashram Aluva

On March 14, 2008 at 9:00 a.m. Fr. Gabriel Flores, General Councilor for the Missions  together with Fr. Giuseppe Bove, General Treasurer,  held the Apta Consultatio at Our Lady of Rogate Ashram Aluva in view of the formation of the new Indian Rogationist Delegation. All the Rogationist religious of the communities of India, including the novices, participated the meeting. Fr. Gabriel Flores presented the letter of Fr. General with regard to the constitution of India as a new Delegation. He further explained the modalities and functioning of the Delegation. On the other hand, Fr. Giuseppe Bove stressed the importance of the proper economical management of the goods of the congregation. At the end of the meeting the ballots were distributed to the eligible members for Apta Consultatio.

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Imagen de riccardo
Enviado por riccardo (no verificado) el Sáb, 03/15/2008 - 09:18
[size=large][/size]Auguri per la prossima costituzione della nuova Delegazione Indiana a tutti i membri che la compongono, ma specialmente ai simpatici [i][/i]Ciccio [i][/i]indiani di mia conoscenza. Colgo l\'occasione per porgere a tutti i miei auguri per una felice e Santa Pasqua. P. Riccardo Pignatelli, rcj
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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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