The beginning of the Rogationists’ presence in the Philippines (November 23, 1976)

Commemorating the beginning of the Rogationists’ presence in the Philippines (November 23, 1976), the community of the St. Hannibal Rogate Center also celebrated the priestly ordination anniversary of Fr. Al John Provido, RCJ (at the RogaMina in Iloilo), Fr. Eduardo Fernandez, RCJ, Fr. Jorge Casaberde, RCJ and Fr. Ronaldo Masilang, RCJ - remembering in prayers all other confreres ordained with them.


Imagen de grossini
Enviado por grossini el Mié, 11/23/2022 - 18:15
Congratulacions for your Rogarionist vochecion. As d multos Annos! Dont forget the Preyer end de poor. Un abbraccio a tutti.
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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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