Dearest, With joyful heart of profound gratitude to the Lord of the Harvest and our Holy Founder St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia, We, the Gurudarsan Community solicit your esteemed presence for the first Religious profession of our Novices: Bro. Albin Kavukatt, Bro. Jils Kaduthazha, Bro. Amal Maliackel, Bro. Pradosh Plakudiyil, Bro Antony Palamuttam, Bro. Manu Panthamackal, Bro. Jobins Thazhathuveettil, on 17th May 2016 Venue Rogate Bhavan Cheriyamkolly. Rev. Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, Major Superior, Rogationist Indian Quasi Province. 9:30: reception – 10:00 Eucharistic Celebration – 12:00 Agape.