Prime Professioni in Meenangadi (India)

Dearest, We, the Rogationists in India cordially invite you to the graceful occasion of the First Religious Profession and  the  Entrance  to  the  Novitiate of  our young brothers. The  celebration will take place at Rogate Bhavan Cheriamkolly, on June 2, 2010 at 10 am. The celebration will be presided by Most Rev. Fr. Luigi Toffanin, RCJ, the Major Superior of the Rogationist Indian Delegation. We expect your valuable presence and prayers to grace this occasion.

           Bro. Ahbilash Veluthalakuzhiyil, RCJ;       Bro. Christy Madathettu, RCJ
           Bro. Danish Ourumbadayil, RCJ;              Bro. Dileep Karukapallil, RCJ
           Bro. Fijo Malit, RCJ;                                Bro. Jinto Kalayathinamkuzhi, RCJ
           Bro. Jithin Thaliyan, RCJ;                         Bro. Lijo Kalarickal, RCJ
           Bro. Manu Kulappurath, RCJ                    Bro. Tony Blayil, RCJ
                                                                                                                 Yours in Christ,

                                                                                                              Fr. Shajan Pazhayil, rcj
Superior/Novice Master


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Portrait de jyoun
Soumis par jyoun (non vérifié) le mer, 05/26/2010 - 12:57
Let us give thanks to the Lord of the harvest on this special occasion and I\'d like to unite with all of you in my prayer. Best wishes!! John Youn
Portrait de riccardo
Soumis par riccardo (non vérifié) le jeu, 05/27/2010 - 10:21
In occasione della Prima Professione e della ammissione al Noviziato, auguro ogni bene alla Delegazione Indiana, ai futuri neo-professi e neo-novizi, implorando dal Signore, per l\'intercessione del nostro Padre Sant\'Annibale, ogni benedizione celeste per l\'ulteriore sviluppo della presenza rogazionista in Asia. P. Riccardo Pignatelli, rcj
Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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