Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le dim, 12/23/2018 - 10:35
Dear Conferrers, Let the light of the Lord, enrich and renew us more and more in this blessed Season and in the year ahead. Wish you God's Bountiful Blessings to all your life commitments and remember you in my prayers,
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le jeu, 10/04/2018 - 12:14
Today, on October 2, 2018 India as a Nation celebrates it as ‘Gandhi day” honoring the great soul-Gandhi for his ardent love for nonviolence and nature. Rogationist Academy too celebrates this special day as the environment day motivating the students to nurture love and care for nature. Staff and students of RA along with the other allied course students (DB Tech) spent their non –school day as the environment day. In remembrance and tribute to Gandhi, they cleaned the classrooms, corridors, gardens and surroundings.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le ven, 09/28/2018 - 16:42
Oggi, 25 Settembre 2018 si sono riuniti in Aluva tutti i rappresentanti (leaders) delle varie località dove ci sono bambini adottati a distanza (Rog Units) che hanno riferito circa la situazione delle famiglie dopo l’ alluvione, per distribuire la lettera di invito per gli incontri con i bambini che saranno fatti prima di Natale) e per altri avvisi importanti.
Soumis par Anonymous (non vérifié) le sam, 08/25/2018 - 21:10
The Superior General, Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, has sent a letter of appeal to Rogationist communities for aid in favor of the flood victims in Kerala, India. Over 300 people have perished and 1.3 million people were displaced due to the continuous monsoon downpour for days which has been considered the worst flooding in the State’s history. Houses of many of our confreres, seminarians, students and lay collaborators have been under water, and the residents were forced to seek shelter at relief centers. People were lacking in essentials such as food and drinking water.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le sam, 06/02/2018 - 09:30
Today, on the solemnity of our Holy Founder, nine seminarians who successfully completed their three years of minor seminary formation were admitted to the next important stage of formation-Postulancy. In the evening liturgical celebration, Fr. Joby Kavungal officially accepted them to this significant stage. Fr.Deleep Parcakal Superior of the community, Fr. Fijo Malit, their Prefect and Fr.Tony Blayil, treasurer joined the celebration and encouraged them to imbibe the virtues of Fr. Founder in their life.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le lun, 05/28/2018 - 11:49
May 27, 2018 - The anticipated feast of St. Hannibal is celebrated with great joy and devotion at Rogate Ashram Chapel, Aluva. Bishop Emeritus Mathew Vaniyakizhakkel, presided over the concelebrated holy Eucharist and gave a reflection on the life of St. Hannibal. The chief attraction of the celebration was the presence of our adopted children who recently received the first communion. All of them came in angelic white dress accompanied by their parents.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le ven, 05/25/2018 - 09:02
Three communities of Rogate Ashram campus (QP Community, Rogate Ashram community and Rogationist Academy Community) jointly celebrate the Feast of St Hannibal. On the first day of celebration, Fr. Joby Kavungal, the major Superior solemnly opened celebration with the traditional flag hosting activity. The celebration then continued with the Holy Mass and Novena presided over by Fr. Lijo Kalarickal. Good number of neighbors and lay faithful joined the celebration.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le mer, 05/16/2018 - 16:13
Today (May 15th 2018) 32 Religious Students of St.Thomas Quasi Provine, India, renewed their annual vows at Rogate Ashram Chapel within the prayerful atmosphere of solemn evening prayer. Fr. Joby Kavungal, the Major Superior received their vows and Fr. Saji Kappikuzhy gave a inspiring reflection on religious vows and its commitments. Most of the priests of St.Thomas Quasi Province joined the celebration and congratulated the religious for their generosity and commitment.