Rogationist Mission Summit


Hundred Years after the « Earthquake of Messina » (1908-2008)


January 8-14, 2009

 “Unum datis et centum accipietis”




  1. Celebrate and share the richness and challenges of the Rogationist Mission
  2. Share experiences, strategies, projects and programs to better promote our missionaries
  3. Establish connections, accompany and animate our mission, strengthen and follow our works, exchange of information through our “Missionary Center Office”
  4. Know the present situations and expectations of the Rogationist Mission today.



  1. Fr. The General Curia (5)
  2. Major Superiors (5)
  3. A missionary representative for each country where we are present: (18)
      • 1 Brasil
      • 1 Argentina
      • 1 Paraguay
      • 1 USA
      • 1 Mexico
      • 1 Rwanda
      • 1 Cameroun
      • 1 India
      • 1 Vietnam
      • 1 Indonesia
      • 1 Papua New Guinea
      • 1 South Korea
      • 1 Spagna
      • 1 Polonia
      • 1 Slovacchia
      • 1 albania
      • 1 Italy
      • 1 Philippines


  1. Other participants:
    1. Confreres from PD Communities
    2. Daughters of Divine Zeal
    3. Religious students
    4. Novices
    5. Postulants
    6. Seminarians


Main Organizers:

Fr.  Gabby Flores – General Councilor for the Missions

Fr. Giovanni Guarino – General Councilor for Educative Apostolate 

Members of Organizational Committee:

Fr. Bruno Rampazzo – PD Major Superior

Fr. Jessie Martirizar – Coordinator

Fr. Benjie Redoble – Asst. Coordinator

Fr. Eric Raveza – Reception and Logistics       

Fr. Bong Dammay – Project Manager

Fr. Danny Montaña – Sessions Facilitator

Fr. Rene Ramirez – Communications and Press

Fr. Ariel Tecson –Transportation & Accomodation/ Outing

Fr. John Lucas – Secretariat & Exhibits  

To be included in the program of Activities:

  1. Mission Forum 2009 “Project: Parang”
  2. Encounter of missionaries with Formands

          (Students, Novices, Postulants, Seminarians)

  1. Mission Exhibits
  2. Visit to our Works in the Philippines (SABV, Seminaries, SHEC, Parishes)
  3. Sharing of Missionary experiences (1-2 Mission Stations per day)


Module to be prepared by the Missionaries-Participants:

  1. Submit a Brief Story of the Mission Area: date of foundation, first Rogationist Missionaries, Apostolate being done

          (with 5 minute Powerpoint/ Video Presentation)

  1. Brief Account of Personal Missionary Experience
    • How it enriches Rogationist Consecration
    • Experience of Rogationist Community Life
    • Connection with the Circumscription and General Government (Missionary Central Office)
    • Connection with the local church
    • Attention for Vocations
    • Attention to the Poor
  2. Perspectives



Hundred Years after the « Earthquake of Messina » (1908-2008)


January 8-14, 2009

“Unum datis et centum accipietis”


January 8 (Thursday)

Venue:  Oasis of Prayer – Silang, Cavite

         Arrival of Missionaries/ Participants


            N.B. :  * Transportation from Airport to Silang 

Evening:  Eucharistic Adoration for Missionary Vocations 

January 9 (Friday)

Venue:  Oasis of Prayer – Silang, Cavite 


            Welcome Address:  Major Superior, Fr. Bruno Rampazzo

            Opening Address:  Superior General, Fr. Giorgio Nalin

            Keynote Talk: Bishop Chito Tagle, D.D.

                              Diocese of Imus, Cavite 

Afternoon:  Interventions of RCJ Missionaries: Concerns of the Mission

            N.B.:  It would be better if interventions/ presentations could be   

                  complimented by video or powerpoint presentation about the

                  respective mission.  


            Showcase of Philippine Dances and Songs

            (c/o Rogationist College & Fr. Rito Ybanez)  

January 10 (Saturday)

Venue:  Oasis of Prayer

Participants:  Religious Students, Novices, Postulants and Seminarians 

Morning: “Towards a Rogationist Missionary Project”

            (Guest Speaker: Fr. Gabriel Flores, RCJ)

            Open Forum

            “Projectual Mentality in the Missions and Missionary Adoptions”

            (Guest Speaker: Mr. Luigi Lorenzato & Fr. Vito Lipari, RCJ)

            Open Forum: Seminarians & Religious Brothers 

Afternoon: Transfer to Manila (Houses of lodging: Greencourt/ Merville

            Visit to the Houses of the Delegation in Manila  

Evening:  Dinner at Trinity Restaurant (Mall of Asia)  

January 11 (Sunday)

Venue:  Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish

            Multinational Village, Parañaque City 


            Presentation “Project Parang”


      (Program of Activities will be coordinated with the Parish Community) 

            Lunch at SOFITEL (c/o Fr. Ariel) 

Afternoon:  6TH Foundation Day & Turn-Over of Housing Units

            (SHEC – Rodriguez, Malibay, Pasay City)

            (To be coordinated with Fr. Dexter) 

January 12 (Monday)

Venue:  Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies – Greencourt, Sucat – Paranaque 

Morning: General Assembly

            Interventions of Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, RCJ, Major Superior

            Formulation of the Rogationist Mission Statement

            Sharing of Experiences: Missionaries with Rogationist Formandi

            Meeting of the Father General with RCJ Missionaries 

Afternoon: General Assembly

            Recapitulation/ Evaluation of the Past Activities and Interventions

            Presentation of the Rogationist Mission Statement 

Evening:  CLOSING MASS (6:00 p.m.)

            Venue: Rogationist College - Paranaque

            Dinner at the Rogationist College Lobby


            Concerto Polifonico (Nocturne Choire) 

January 13 (Tuesday)

Venue: Punta Fuego, Batangas

            Come by yourselves to a secluded place… “

            Whole Day Outing of Missionaries and visiting Fathers

            (c/o Fr. Ariel Tecson)

January 14 (Wednesday)



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Ritratto di riccardo
Inviato da riccardo (non verificato) il Mar, 01/06/2009 - 17:37
Carissimi Confratelli, vi giunga il mio saluto augurale per questo importante incontro, che si tiene nella Nazione dove, nel lontano 23 Novembre 1976, sono stato il primo Rogazionista a mettervi piede insieme con il caro P. Barbangelo. Oggi vi si vede felicemente attuato il [i]sognai, sognai, nell\'estasi amorosa, campi fecondi, intrepidi operai[/i] del nostro Padre Annibale. [i][/i] Deo gratias! A chi mi conosce lascio immaginare con quanto interesse partecipo spiritualmente al vostro programma. Che il [i]santo ideale[/i] missionario del nostro Fondatore trovi nel [i]Mission summit[/i] un nuovo slancio per la maggiore diffusione e pratica del Rogate e per l\'evangelizzazione e la promozione umana dei piccoli e dei poveri. P. Riccardo Pignatelli, rcj
Ritratto di gciranni
Inviato da gciranni (non verificato) il Gio, 01/08/2009 - 14:01
Non entro in merito alle riccheza dei temi oggetto di preghiera, di studio e di programmazione del \"First Rogationist Mission Summit\" [Iniziativa certamente ispirata dall\'Alto. Ho semplicemente il piacere di sottolineare la figura del \"Missionario\" che, nel mistero e nella storia della salvezza, più di ogni altro trova la sua identificazione in Cristo, che definisce se stesso \"Colui che il Padre ha Consacrato e Mandato\" (Gv.10,36). Il Rogazionista, inoltre, possiamo dire che è Missionario anche per istanza e coerenza carismatica. Soprattutto Luca, infatti, colloca la nostra pericope all\'interno del discorso missionario; e subito dopo il \"Rogate, ergo...\" aggiunge \"Andate, ecco Io vi mando...\". E\' di estremo interesse il \"Mini Trattato\" che ci ha lasciato il nostro santo Fondatore, P. Annibale, e che leggiamo nerl Volume primo (Scritti estesi) File 1920. Da sempre e in tutti, il Missionario, per molteplici ragioni, suscita fascino e profonda ammirazione. P. Gaetano Ciranni rcj
Ritratto di jain
Inviato da jain (non verificato) il Sab, 01/10/2009 - 12:33
My heartfelt prayerful greetings to all of you who are participating in this first ROGATIONIST MISSION SUMMIT 2009. May it come out with more vigorous and zealous initiatives following the arduous missionary spirit of our Founder, St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia
Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
© 2023 xxxxx