Delegazione U.S.A.

Annual Assembly’s Conclusion

Sanger, December 1, 2021.

The second day of the Annual Assembly of Our Lady of Guadalupe Delegation continued

Sanger, November 30, 2021.

A topic on Rogationist Parish Ministry characterized the second day of the Assembly. Msgr. John Griesbach, a diocesan priest and director of Three Rivers Retreat House talked about the importance and meaning of the Parish's Pastoral Plan. After his reflection, there was a fruitful time of sharing about this topic. There was an exchange of ideas on organizing the pastoral ministry and characterizing it as Rogationist ministry.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Delegation inaugurated this year’s Annual Assembly

November 29, 2021

Our Lady of Guadalupe Delegation inaugurated this year’s Annual Assembly by the celebration of the Eucharist presided by Fr. John Bruno, the superior of the house of Sanger, and concelebrated by all the priests. Fr. John Bruno’s reflection said that as Delegation, he would like to pray for our deceased confreres who passed away and were the pioneers of this Delegation. He reminds the confreres not to forget the past but build on what the former Rogationists already built. He exhorted us to be humble and to appreciate one another.

Il Thanksgiving Day della carità

Van Nuys, martedì  23 novembre 2021. Come ogni martedì, una lunga fila gente si presenta di buon  mattino davanti al Centro di Servizio della nostra parrocchia per ricevere cibo e vestiti distribuiti dai volontari della  nostra comunità parrocchiale, organizzati e diretti da P. Shinto Sebastian, fedele figlio e discepolo di Sant'Annibale. Questa mattina però la fila era più lunga del solito, perché  antivigilia del Thanksgiving Day, giorno in cui si mangia il tradizionale tacchino.


From October 28 to 30, Fr. Antonio Fiorenza, accompanied by Fr. Javier Flores, the secretary, visited his Community in Van Nuys. First of all, as the superior of the Community, he read his report on the Community life; Fr. Vito Di Marzio read his description on the Parish Apostolate, and Fr. Shinto read the report of the Parish Service Center. Fr. Fiorenza met each of the confreres individually, the Parish’s manager, Mrs. Irma Ochoa, the Superior of the Daughters of Divine Zeal, Sister Marieta Castillano, and Sisters Angelie Inoferio, the Principal of St. Elisabeth School.

On-going Canonical Visit of Fr. Antonio Fiorenza to the Communty of Sanger, California

Fr. Antonio Fionreza, Superior of Our Lady of Guadalupe Delegation, together with Fr. Javier Flores, the secretary, started his second Canonical Visit to the Religious Community of Sanger, California. They began the aforementioned visit on October 21, 2021, at 9:45 AM. The members of this community are: Fr. John Bruno (Superior and Pastor), Fr. Renato Panlasigui (Prefect and Vice-Superior) and Fr. Mark Destura (Parochial-Vicar and treasurer). The first session of the meeting consisted of reading the reports of each one of their sectors.


19-10-2021 - Fr. Fiorenza continues his Canonical Visit to the communities of Our Lady of Guadalupe Delegation. This time he is visiting the new religious Community in Reedley, California. The religious of the community, Fr. Javier Flores, Superior; Fr. Denny Joseph, Pastor; and Fr. Thomas, treasurer, welcomed him warmly. The Visit started at 3:15 PM. After the opening prayer, Fr. Javier read his report about the Religious Community life and apostolate, Fr. Denny read his report about the parish, and Fr. Thomas read his report about the finance and about the Food Center of the Parish.

Ordenação Sacerdotal do Diác. Janilton José de Souza

 “Permanecei no seu amor”! Jo 15,9

Visita Canonica di P. Antonio Fiorenza a Tonala

Tonalá, 15 de octubre de 2021.  La Visita Canónica concluyó el 15 de octubre del año en curso después de haber encontrado a los Padres de la comunidad y haberles leído el informe como resultado de la visita en general, dándoles unas indicaciones y observaciones para la mejora de la vida en común.

Conferimento del ministero dell’accolitato a Fr. Gabriel Martinez Mendoza.

Oggi 13 ottobre 202, durante la Visita canonica del Superiore della Delegazione, P. Antonio Fiorenza, nella cappella del nostro seminario in Tonalá, Jalisco, Mexico, fr. Gabriel Martinez Mendoza, religioso studente di  terzo anno di teología, ha ricevuto il ministero dell’accolitato dalle mani del Signor Vescovo Mons. Juan Manuel, Vescovo ausiliare di Gualajara per la vita religiosa. Hanno concelebrato, P. Antonio Fiorenza, P. Javier Flores e P. Manesh. I seminaristi hanno curato il servicio liturgico.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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