A dinner for Father Hannibal’s House was held today at St. Mary’s Church Hall today February 21, 2017 at 7 p.m. in Sanger.
Father Hannibal’s House , is Rogationists apostolate among the poorest of the poor. It is a non -profit Catholic organization providing emergency help to people in need, regardless of race, religion or national origin. This apostolate of Rogationist Fathers is coursed through the Thrift Store and Social Services that caters the indigent members of the society. This year 2016, a total of 2, 815 families benefited from this apostolate.
In addition to the pre-sold dinner, a silent auction and raffle of some prizes were also done to increase the funds to be collected. The City Mayor of Sanger, Mr. Frank Gonzalez came to grace the event. The Confirmation class of Del Rey Mission served the dinner that was organized by the Board of Directors of Father Hannibal House.