Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Villanueva Bautista Pangasinan Filippine

6.11.2021 - ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA PARISH SYNOD CONSULATIONS (Group 1 Sector): The Parish Priest gave the Catechesis of the Nature of Synod 2023 to all the Group 1 Sector. The participants received and answered the questionnaires for the Synod Consultations. Joseph De Vera Arcaño

Marian Pilgrimages in Flores Island, Indonesia

FISH students
Fr. Petrus, FISH Director, presiding over the Holy Mass
FISH students
FISH students and formators
FISH students and formator
FDZ formands and formators
with the children of the SOS Village
with the children of the SOS Village
With Bishop Fransikus of Larantuka Diocese

(October 30, 2021) The Formation Institute of Saint Hannibal (FISH) in Maumere, Indonesia, organized a pilgrimage to the Gua Maria Penuh Rahmat (Sanctuary of Our Lady Full of Grace) in Maumere, participated by aspirants and postulants studying at the Institute. For this School Year 2021-2022, there are 105 formands from the 17 Religious Congregations in the Diocese of Maumere who attend courses at the FISH.

2 novembre – Commemorazione dei defunti

Siamo uniti nella preghiera, come confratelli della Congregazione, nel suffragio per i nostri cari, per i confratelli e per tutti i defunti, invitati dalla Provincia San Matteo, dove per il fuso orario questa giornata ha avuto inizio.

FIRST MASS FOR THE COMMEMORATION OF THE DEAD: The Parish Priest celebrated the Holy Mass for all our departed in our parish. In a very special way, we remembered all of departed Rogationist Conferers.

Sponsors: Barangay Villanueva.

P. Joseph De Vera Arcaño

La gioia di condividere con i poveri

Ogni sabato, i seminaristi rogazionisti e i volontari laici delle tre case del Vietnam preparano panini da distribuire ai poveri. Chiamati localmente Banh Mi, questi panini di carne e verdura sono un modo semplice di inculturare il "Pane di Sant'Antonio" nel contesto del paese. L'impegno settimanale è iniziato più di due anni fa come un semplice gesto di solidarietà con i poveri, ispirato dall'esempio di Sant'Annibale Maria Di Francia.

Sport festival opens in Cebu Seminary

(October 24, 2021) The Rogationist Seminary - Cebu officially opened the Sportsfest 2021-2022 with the theme: "Gifted to Empower One Another Through Sports and Unity."  The event was graced with the participating teams from PACEM Missionaries, Don Bosco faculty and students, and other visitors. Likewise, the program was made more meaningful by having Mr.

Udienza della nuova equipe di formatori con l'Arcivescovo di Cebu

La nuova equipe di formatori del Seminario di Cebu con l'Arcivescovo Palma.
La nuova equipe di formatori del Seminario di Cebu con l'Arcivescovo Palma.
La nuova equipe di formatori del Seminario di Cebu con l'Arcivescovo Palma.
P. Dante Quidayan, il nuovo superiore del Seminario di Cebu con l'Arcivescovo Palma.

(25 ottobre 2021) Condotta dal Superiore, P. Dante Quidayan, la nuova equipe di formatori del Seminario Rogazionista di Cebu si è recata in udienza dall'Arcivescovo Jose Palma, DD per presentarsi. L'Arcivescovo ha ricordato loro la responsabilità come formatori, sottolineando l'importanza di testimoniare il valore dell'unità e del lavoro di team. Ha detto che come formatori dovrebbero imparare a diventare come un'orchestra dove l'armonia è una necessita'.

Fr. Jessie Martirizar – 25 years as a Rogationist priest

        Fr. Jessie Martirizar celebrated a Thanksgiving Mass on the day of his 25th anniversary of ordination to the Priesthood on October 26, 2021, in the Parish of St. Isidore the Worker in Zarraga, Iloilo. He was ordained in the same place and time 25 years ago by Bishop Juan Nilmar of the Diocese of Kalibo.

Villanueva - MONTH OF ROSARY

Our youth is preparing the Church and the Image of our Lady of the Holy Rosary for the celebration of the month of the Rosary in our Parish this month of October.

Joseph De Vera Arcaño

Rogationist Seminary- Cebu

September 24, 2021

Given the 31st Founding Anniversary of the St. Hannibal Formation Center Cebu which was last September 21, 2021, the community organized a short program and simple yet sumptuous dinner. Together with the above-mentioned event, it was also a special gathering to celebrate the anniversaries and birthdays of the confreres and seminarians for the month of September.

Bishop meets incoming deacons

Three days before their Ordination, the eleven deacons-elect of Saint Matthew Province had a virtual meeting with the Ordaining Prelate, Bishop Reynaldo Evangelista of the Diocese of Imus, on September 22, 2021. The candidates shared about their respective family background and vocation stories. The Bishop, in turn, narrated also his own vocation journey. He reminded the incoming deacons of the priority of their spiritual life and service of neighbors. The conversation ended with words of gratitude and the Blessing of the Bishop.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
© 2023 xxxxx