Second Day of the Assembly Delegation of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Delegation of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Sanger, Tuesday, January 7, 2025. 

The second day began with the celebration of the Eucharist presided over by Fr. Devassy, ​​who celebrated the 25th priestly anniversary on January 1st.

At 9:15 the work of the Assembly began. Fr. Francisco Javier, Secretary and Councilor for Vocation Promotion, Lay People, and Parishes, presented the draft Statute of the LARVA (Lay Rogacionists Vocation Animators) for discussion and approval. He also presented the organization of the summer vocational camp, which will be held in Sanger in the last week of June, and the Congress of the Lay Rogationists which will also be held in Sanger in the third weekend of July. Finally, he also presented the Jubilee of the Young Rogationists which will be held in Rome between the end of July and the beginning of August.

The work continued with the presentation of the economic situation of the Delegation by the Treasurer, Fr. Denny Joseph. In the afternoon the work resumed at 3:30 with the presentation of the activities of the St. Anthony Charity Center and the Mission Appeal by Fr. Santi Scibilia. He highlighted the positive results from the economic point of view and the diffusion of the charism; however, he emphasized the need for more confreres in the mission appeal activity.

Afterward, it was the turn of the vocation promotion in Mexico, on which Fr. Manesh and Fr. Gabriele Martinez reported; then Fr. Saji spoke about the formation in Mexico; Fr. Antonio Carlucci shared the first formation of the two aspirants present in the house of Sanger. The day concluded with the celebration of Vespers and then with a rich fraternal agape dinner.

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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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