PamilyaRog Bicol 2019

On April 27-28, 2019, the Pamrog Bicol Region (Pamilyang Rogasyonista in Bicol) held their Pamrog Encounter in Nature Spring, Irosin Sorsogon. Fr. JessieMartirizar RCJ, together with Rev Bryan PuraTTutasRcj, Rev Harvey Caño Cestina Rcj and some Rogationist Religious and Mr Rolly Lao and Dr Edna Sasing Lao arrived on April 26. They were warmly welcomed by some parents and former seminarians from Irosin.

On April 27, having more than fifty participants, the gathering convened at 2:00 pm with the simple opening program. Mr Victor Lagarde, Irosin Cluster Coordinator, formally welcomed and opened the gathering. The first talk on the nature of Pamrog and some general plans was given by Fr. Jessie. After the short break, at 4:00 pm, Dr Edna shared some essential healthy living tips and the importance of spirituality and relationship in staying healthy. Then the group sharing followed wherein the participants tried to answer the questions "what motivate and encourages you in joining the Pamrog?" and "what can you do more in order to strengthen this organization?" The Marian Liturgy concluded the afternoon activity... After dinner, the group enjoyed the night with the socialization, swimming and some other relaxing activities...

On April 28, the 2nd day of the Pamrog started with the morning prayer and the Holy Mass which was presided by Fr. Jessie who shared the necessity of having peace in one's life. After breakfast, at 9:30 am, the summary of the sharing from the previous day was presented and discussed. Then, the election of the new Sorsogon Chapter officials were voted. The Coordinator is Mr. and Mrs Lagarde, Secretary Mr and Mrs Renato Evasco; Treasurer Mr and Mrs Hernaez; P.R.O. Mr and Mrs Nazarrea and Mr and Mrs Alvin Evasco. Then some concerns and plans were addressed after the election. Notwithstanding, the group also met by cluster and elected their new officials as well... At 12:00 noon, before having lunch, the final program with the giving of tokens and words of gratitude was held and the gathering was officially closed.

We thank all those persons who made this gathering meaningful and successful as we as well commit ourselves to always include you in our prayers. Diyos mabalos sa indo gabos.

Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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