Blessing of first mission house in Srilanka

Dearest Conferrers, Let us bless and praise the Lord for his manifold blessings!  Yesterday (8/12/2014) his Lordship Bishop Cletus Perera, OSB, the Bishop of Ratnapura,  in the presence of some fathers and parishioners blessed our first mission house in Srilanka and thanked the Rogationist Congregation for their good will to come to this diocese and work the people of God.  He assured all his support and exhorted the faithful to pray more and more for holy vocations in the Church.

We thank all of you:  who have extended loving well wishes and also those who could not due to lack of time or busy commitments. Thanks a lot. Let us pray and work earnestly for the greater glory of God and for the welfare of our brethren.

See some photos attached Frs. Deleep & Varghese


Retrato de fsiciliano
Submitted by fsiciliano on Ter, 12/09/2014 - 08:10
Auguri! buona inaugurazione, buon avvento, buon natale! cari saluti, padre fortunato
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