Ouverture de l’année académique et formative 2022-2023 à Cyangugu
Le samedi 15 octobre 2022, a eu lieu l’ouverture solennelle de l’année académique et formative 2022-2023, à la Maison de formation Saint Hannibal...
Thanksgiving Mass of nine new Priests
(Oct. 23) The four Filipino Rogationist priests who were ordained yesterday and the five Vietnamese Rogationists who were ordained in Vietnam last...
Dalla Delegazione Nostra Signora di Guadalupe
Tonalá, Jalisco -Mexico, Giovedì 20 Ottobre 2022. Oggi alle ore 7pm, nella Cappella del nostro seminario, ha avuto luogo il conferimento del...
Padre Vito Lipari a Rai International
23.10.2022 – In occasione Giornata Missionaria Mondiale P. Vito Lipari è stato invitato a partecipare negli studi rai televisivi per partecipare al...
New Rogationist Priests in the Philippines
"Consecrate them through Thy truth; Thy word is Truth" (John 17:17). Fr. Philip Alensolurin, RCJ, Fr. Alvin Jasper Cruz, RCJ, Fr. Queenan Louie...
Assemblea Provincia S. Antonio ICN a Morlupo
Presso il Centro di Spiritualità - Casa per Ferie Rogate di Morlupo (Roma), dalla sera di martedì 18 al pranzo di venerdì 21 ottobre 2022 si è...
Encontro FIAR - 29/10/22.
Boa noite, Coirmãos! Eis que teremos nosso último encontro da FIAR de 2022: Acolher, Educar, Evangelizar: nossa Missão. Será no dia 29/10/22, das 09h...
3rd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter - Concluding Mass
Update 8. October 21. Fr. Orville Cajigal, the re-elected Superior of the St. Matthew Province, presided over the Holy Eucharist at the Chapel of the...
3rd St. Matthew Provincial Chapter closes
Update 7. Day 6, October 20. The Chapter assembly continued with the presentation of the work of the Commissions on the Administration of Goods, and...
British Citizenship of Fr. Alex Poblador – the first Rogationist assigned in the United Kingdom
19.10.2022 - After some years, he deeply felt part of this country and the closeness to the people, especially the Filipino migrants and Spanish-...