ORIENTATION| Apostolic Immersion in SHEC

01-28-24 | As part of the highlights of the postulancy program, the postulants were given a brief orientation and introduction about their apostolic immersion given by the Superior of the community of St. Hannibal Empowerment Center, Fr. Arlene Gumagan, RCJ.

The orientation includes the discussion about the nature of the Church as a church for the poor which embarks on the identity of the ministers of the Church becoming and immersing themselves with the poor. Thus, to become witnesses, we are then challenged to be part of the individual lives of the poor by living with them.

During the latter part of the orientation, the postulants raised their individual and practical concerns and questions about the said activity. After that, Fr. Arlene led us into prayer for our preparation for the upcoming immersion.

Send O Lord, Holy Apostles into Your Church!

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Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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