Eighteen Religious in Practical Training in the St. Matthew Province had their annual encounter on January 22, 2021, organized by Fr. Ariel Tecson, RCJ, Provincial Councilor on Religious Life, Formation and, Vocation Ministry. However, this year's appointment was done in a unique way, that is, through Zoom video-conferencing, since many could not easily travel, especially those who are assigned in the regions outside the big Island of Luzon in the Philippines.
The meeting started at 9 o'clock in the morning, with some “kamustahan” (greeting and catching up) and a little conversation among the brothers. Then, it officially started with a prayer led by Fr. Tecson, which was followed by his talk, centering on the salient points of the St. Matthew Province Manual of Formation (implemented ad experimentum). Then, Fr. Tecson instructed the Brothers to prepare a short reflection, following a 15-minute break. After everyone has taken his snacks, the Religious in Practical Training started to share their reflections and experiences in this stage of their formation, as well as their experiences in the community where they are currently serving. The sharing lasted for an hour and ended with each one choosing a single word to describe his practical training experiences. The encounter ended at about 11 o'clock in the morning, leaving the religious filled with fraternal delight and concern.