On March 26, 2019, the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish welcomed the Pilgrim Heart Relic of St. Camillus de Lellis. This is the Heart that our Fr. Founder, St. Hannibal Mary Di Francia took care of for almost 25 years during the suppression of the religious institutes in Messina, Italy. It was St. Hannibal who recovered the Heart Relic of St. Camillus from the ruins of the Cathedral of Messina after the earthquake. St. Hannibal used to bring the Heart Relic to the Avignone Quarter to be venerated by the poor, orphans, and his spiritual sons and daughters, asking the Lord, through the Intercession of St. Camillus, that his Sons, the Camillians will return to Messina. The Camillians returned to Messina, and as St. Hannibal promised, he returned to them the Heart Relic of their founder. Thanks for the special visit to the Rogationist Community!
Bro. Christian Allan R. De Sagun, RCJ