
New Parish Priest and New Responsible of the Missionary Station in Parang Bataan (Philippines)

Fr. Julius Descartin officially turned over the task of the Responsible of the Missionary Station to Fr. Ricardo Caperiña and of Office of the Parish...

Spiritual Pilgrimage to Vung Tau at the Close of the Marian Month of May

At the close of the Marian Month of May, the Rogationists Missionary Station organized on May 26, 2017 a Pilgrimage to the sea-side Bai Dau Marian...

The gathering of the childern who received first Holy Commuion

Rogate Charity Center Aluva, 28 May 2017: The Rogate Charity Center conducted the gathering of the childern who received the first holy communion at...

Talobatib - Official Turn Over of the Quasi Parish of the Holy Family

After 40 years of apostolic presence and service in the Philippines, the Rogationists finally found home in Bicol. Upon invitation of the former...

New superior for Rogate Ashram

Rogate ashram Aluva, 25 May 2017: The Rogate Ashram community has got a new superior in this year. Rev. Fr. Shibu Kavungal RCJ has taken the...

Presentato a Torino il libro “L’Arma migliore” di P. Vito Magno

Al Salone Internazionale del Libro, chiuso ieri a Torino, è stato presentato il recente libro di Padre Vito Magno, “L’arma migliore. La preghiera...

Visita di P. Gioacchino Chiapperini e P. Matteo Sanavio in Camerun

In questi giorni P. Gioacchino Chiapperini, Economo Generale, e P. Matteo Sanavio, Consigliere Generale per le Missioni sono in visita presso le...

Una via di Messina dedicata a P. Giuseppe Marrazzo

Carissimi Confratelli rendo noto che domani 19 maggio, come da precedente comunicazione, verrà inaugurata la via dedicata a P. Giuseppe Marrazzo...

Rogationist Sidea (PNG) Mission Station Launches Newsletter

The Rogationist Sideia Mission Station launched its Newsletter entitled "Sailau" on May 16, 2017 in commemoration of the 13 th anniversary of the...

Ceremony of First profession and renewal of vows

St.Thomas Quasi Province House Aluva, 16 May 2017: St.Thomas Quasi Province had a joyful celebration of the first profession of ten candidates,...


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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