Supplementary leaflet for the "Friends of Fr. Joseph Aveni", Vol 2, no. 9 - September 2017

Dearest, Here is the latest issue of the supplementary leaflet, "Friends of Fr. Joseph Aveni", Vol. 2, no. 9 for this month of September 2017. From this issue onwards we will be sharing to some of the Writings of Fr. Aveni. Happy reading. You may freely share this to your friends. Go bless us all and Fr. Aveni intercede for us! Please include also in your prayers, the following requested intentions through the intercession of Fr. Joseph Aveni: Jonabel Provido, Angie Tiamzon, Clarene Romea, Theo Punzal, Conrado Carandang, David Jeff Villanueva, Fr. Nip Frogosa, Nenita S. Girao, Esperanza Duran, Alvin De Guzman, Jon Marc Fernandez, Luigi Aveni Limina, Gisella

Thank you very much! ​Gratefully yours,​

Fr. Jessie G. Martirizar, RCJ

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