Aplicativo da Família do Rogate

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The second day of the General Assembly of STQP

The second day of the General Assembly began with Morning Prayer and Holy Mass followed. Fr Babu Muringayil presided over the concelebrated Holy Eucharist and gave a short reflection on the need to nurture our Faith. The session proper of the day began with the inspirational Reflection given by Fr. Jaison Vadakkan Capuchin.  He emphasized the importance of ‘growing faith and vibrant fraternal Joy’ in our religious communities as well as the prominence of ‘being over doing in religious houses. After a short break, the session continued with the reading of the Quasi Province Directory.

Incontro delle Famiglie Rog

Nuovo libro di P. Gaetano Lo Russo: “L’empatia alle origini. Il solco tracciato da Edith Stein”

“Viviamo nell’epoca dell’empatia. Tutti parlano di empatia. La invocano gli allenatori di calcio, i capi di governo, i genitori e i figli, i fidanzati, i vescovi, gli insegnanti e gli allievi. E quando più si acuisce la crisi delle relazioni, di quel “noi” a cui aspiriamo, ma che non sempre riusciamo a costruire, ecco che ancora una volta la causa è imputabile alla mancanza di empatia.

General Assembly of the perpetually professed religious of St Thomas Quasi Province.

First Day, March 16, 2018

Canonical Visit to the Quasi Parish of the Holy Family - Labo

On March 13-16, 2018, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, did his Canonical Visit to the Quasi Parish of the Holy Family in Talobatib, Labo, Camarines Norte. Including in his itinerary, a visit on foot to its farthest chapel, he made sure to spend time in dialogue with the religious community, together and individually. He also had an opportunity to meet the Parish and Barangay Pastoral and Finance Councils. Bro.

Il 18 Marzo al Villaggio Padre Annibale

Ritorna il Pranzo di Solidarietà il 18 Marzo al Villaggio Padre Annibale  offerto agli Ospiti delle Mensa della Città

I tredici martedì a Sant’Antonio

Parrocchia Sant’Antonio a Circonvallazione Appia.

Carissimi Fedeli e devoti di S. Antonio di Padova, il giorno 20 marzo c.a. inizieremo il percorso dei “tredici martedì” devozione antoniana con cui per tredici settimane ci prepariamo spiritualmente alla Festa del Santo Patrono.

Ogni martedì alle ore                   

17:30 S.Rosario

18:15 Vespri

18:30 Concelebrazione Eucaristica

19:15 Benedizione del Pane e dei Bambini presente e bacio della Reliquia del Santo.

Rogationist Mission Station in Papua New Guinea - Sideia - Opens New School Year

  • On March 5, 2018, the new leaders of St. Anthony's Boarding for Boys had their induction at Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish. The care of the boarding boys in the Mission Station is under supervision of the Rogationists, while the care of the boarding girls are under the supervision of the Salesian Sisters.
  • St. Mary’s Boarding for Girls welcomed 57 female students from Grade 3 to Grade 8 (12 Grade 8, 10 Grade 7, 11 Grade 6, 7 Grade 5, 7 Grade 4 and 10 Grade 3 students.

Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Empowerment Center

In a short, yet packed two-day affair, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, did his Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Empowerment Center, during which he had an encounter with the religious community, as a group and individually, as was his main thrust. He also met the leaders of the St. Hannibal Christian Community and of its Rogate Youth Ministry in Pasay City, and the leaders of the Port Area of Baseco Neighborhood Associations’ League and its own Rogate Youth Ministry in Tondo, whose Parish Priest they also visited​


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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