Canonical Visit to the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish

On February 23-24, 2018, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, did his Canonical Visit to the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish, during which he met the community and had dialogue with each religious. This fraternal encounter included as well the meeting with the Parish Pastoral Council and the staff of the Parish. Bro. Nilo Pelobello, the Provincial Treasurer, also took the opportunity to check on their economic status. The entire affair was documented by Bro.

Rogationist Academy celebrates its 2nd Annual Day & Kindergarten Graduation ceremony

Rogationist Academy, blossoming school of STQP celebrated today (23/02/2018) it’s 2nd Annual Day and the graduation of Kindergarten students at  Rogationist Academy Campus at 5.45pm.  In the delightful ambience, Bro. Albin Thoppil led the prayer song. Fr. Vinu Velutheppilly, RA Principal welcomed all the distinguished guests and  presented the RA annual report.  Emerging film star Mr. Kichu Tellus was the Chief Guest. Fr. Joby Kavugal, Major Superior presided over the function. Best child Actor and National Award winner Master Adish Praveen gave the words of inspiration.

Canonical Visit to the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies

Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, just completed his Canonical Visit to the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies (FDFCS) and the Rogationist College - Parañaque (RC-P) on February 19-22, 2018. Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun, the Provincial Secretary, after checking on the archives of both institutions, documented the entire affair, whose focus was the Superior's encounter with the community and the individual religious. Fr. Abcede also had the opportunity to talk to the employees of the FDFCS and the enterprises linked to it, like the Rogate Spring, the Rogate Bakery, and the Obolo.

Formation permanente des prêtres de 0 à 5 ans au Rwanda.

La communauté du Noviciat Rogationniste de Kigali a servi de cadre pour la formation permanente des jeunes prêtres Rogationnistes oeuvrant au Rwanda du 15 au 17 février 2018. 

Quelques mois après la première édition de la formation permanente de tous les prêtres rogationnistes en service au Rwanda,  le provincial de la Quasi-province Saint Joseph a convoqué les jeunes prêtres afin que ceux-ci reçoivent un supplément formatif sur le charisme de la congrégation, l'economie et les défis que rencontrent les jeunes prêtres rogationnistes. 

Adozioni A Distanza - Kitiwum and Takui Schools, Kumbo Cameroon

The project Adoption at a Distance for Takui and kitiwum schools had helped much in the promotion of Human dignity towards studies, through bright Education and physical completion. The project of the Congregation had given for the children like, basic need of food during twice in a week feeding, some school supplies, tuition fees and later on could be their school uniforms. In the mean time we have 127 students in Takui School and 235 students in Kitiwum School.

Meeting of Formators of the St. Matthew Province

With the blessing of Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior, through the efforts of the Sector of Formation, Religious Life and Pastoral Care for Vocations of the St. Matthew Province, headed Fr. Ariel Tecson, in close collaboration with Fr.



Fratelli e sorelle carissimi,

a circa tre mesi dall’inizio del mio ministero di Parroco,

dopo aver pregato e riflettuto nel discernimento pastorale,

spinto solo dalla passione di farvi gustare la bellezza dell’amore di Gesù Cristo,

dopo averlo comunicato al Vescovo di settore,




Sant'Annibale 1. 2018

Carissimo, allego PDF di Sant'Annibale 1. 2018.

Il numero, in vista del prossimo sinodo, dà spazio ai giovani. Segnalo in particolare:

P. Giuseppe Marrazzo e il suo amore ai giovani. Un aspetto interessante e in parte nascosto.

La rubrica "Figlio di Benedizione" sintetizza un intervento di Gianpietro Petiti su P. Palma: Si parla di farlo santo.

Per chi volesse ascoltare testimonianze su P. Pantaleone Palma e conoscere l'opera di suo fratello Pietro, segnalo p. 18.

Seminario di Maumere

13 febbraio 2018 - Carissimi, vorrei condividere con voi le foto più recenti della costruzione del seminario di Maumere.  Si prevede che la costruzione sia  completata in agosto.

Saluti da tutti i formatori della Provincia San Matteo. Questa riunione è per me la più fruttuosa che ho avuto di questo genere. Tutti quanti sono impegnati al miglioramento del Direttorio di Formazione della Circoscrizione. Purtroppo domani il luogo dove siamo riuniti sarà colpito da un tifone minore (65km/ora), ma comunque, il lavoro continua. Buona Quaresima a tutti. 

p jomari

Résume formation permanente

Quatre mois seulement après avoir accueilli la dernière assemblée de formation permanente de tous les religieux rogationnistes profès perpétuels travaillant au Cameroun, la communauté rogationniste d'Edea, maison mère de la mission rogationniste au Cameroun a une fois de plus a accueilli dans ces jours la session de formation permanente des prêtres de moins cinq ans d'ordination et des économes de communautés rogationnistes du Cameroun.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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