Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le mer, 01/17/2018 - 08:53
La paroisse Saint Pie X de Ngoya a accueilli ce 13 janvier 2018, sous la présidence de Mgr Sosthène Léopold BAYEMI MATJEI, évêque du diocèse d’Obala (Cameroun), et en présence du père Josef HUMENANSKI, Supérieur Majeur de la Quasi-Province Saint Joseph, les ordinations diaconales et l’institution des ministères de Lectorat et d’Acolytat des religieux rogationnistes.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le lun, 01/15/2018 - 15:29
Domenica, 14 gennaio, nell'Antoniano di Roma è stato celebrato il 40° anniversario della istituzione della locale Sede Unione Exallievi Rogazionisti per commemorare l'entusiastico primo incontro del 12 giugno 1977, che vide la partecipazione di una cinquantina di persone (vedi foto), gioiose nel rincontrarsi e nel rivedere alcuni Padri e Fratelli loro antichi educatori e formatori, invitati appositamente anche da altre Case. La giornata si è conclusa con la S.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le dim, 01/14/2018 - 12:33
In a short visit, Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior of the St. Matthew Province, prioritized meeting the religious community to hear the report of the Superior on the status of the House and listened to each confrere in a series of fraternal dialogue. From January 13-14, 2018, Fr. Abcede, with Bro. Nilo Pelobello, the Provincial Treasurer, did their Canonical Visit to the St. Lawrence the Deacon Parish in Bangui, Ilocos Norte, under which the Chapel in Dumalneg belongs, the prime entity Most Rev. Renato Mayugba, the Bishop of Laoag entrusted to the Rogationists.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le dim, 01/14/2018 - 12:26
Fr. Herman Abcede, the Superior of the St. Matthew Province, did his Canonical Visit to the St. Hannibal Formation Center – Cebu on January 6-11, 2018. On these days, he met with the religious community to hear the report of the Superior on the status of the House and listened to each confrere in a series of fraternal dialogue. He also had the opportunity to encounter a group of active members of the Union of Prayer for Vocations affiliated to the Rogationist seminary of Cebu. Time was allotted as well for a separate meeting with the seminarians and the lay personnel. Bro.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le jeu, 01/11/2018 - 21:13
Chers Confrères, J’ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que nos deux confrères Ayangma Baltis Zack Bertrand, rcj et Evoe Bidime Pierre, rcj, seront ordonnés Diacres le 13 Janvier 2018 à la Paroisse Saint Pie X de Ngoya à 09h00 par Son Excellence Mgr. Sosthène Léopold Bayemi Matjei, évêque du diocèse d’Obala. Dans la même célébration, 6 jeunes confrères seront institués Acolytes et 6 autres Lecteurs.
Soumis par Siciliano Fortunato le jeu, 01/11/2018 - 15:14
Diac. Celio Leite da Silva – triduo Vocacional 09 a 12 de janeiro – 13 de janeiro de 2018 – Matriz de São Miguel Arcanjo – Horário: 18h – São Miguel (RN) – Brasil – “Eis-me aqui, eu vim ó Deus, para fazer a tua vontade” (Hb 7.10)