On August 6, 2017 Feast of the Transfiguration of Our Lord , Fr. Herman Abcede RCJ, Provincial Superior of Rogationist St. Matthew Province, solemnly blessed the Santuario de San Antonio - Chapel of the Divine Providence (newly built chapel of SABV-Davao) and presided over the Holy Mass. Fr. Ariel O. Tecson delivered a powerful homily which highlighted the person of St.

Tonalá - Messico. Settimana di formazione Rogazionista

Tema de la Semana de Formación: Ver a la gente a través de los ojos misericordiosos de Jesús: la inculturación del carisma de San Aníbal en el Mundo.

1st Confession and 1st Holy Communion at Kitiwum Parish

Twenty-three girls and boys (10-14 year olds) of the Sacred Heart Parochial Primary school received the First Holy communion at Parish Church in Kitiwum on July 31, 2017 during the Mass presided by Fr. Jeffrey Jagurin RCJ, the Parish Priest. The first communicants underwent two years of preparation catechism. They also had their first Sacramental Confession the day before. The Parish Church was full with students, parents and visitors from other parishes.

Progetto Kitiwum (Cameroun)

Dearest Father, I would like to request if you can publish our updates of the progetto kitiwum here Kumbo, Northwest Cameroon, in the site

In the first week of June we have started the completion of Takui school, with new roofing, ceiling, plastering of walls inside the classrooms, Veranda, entrance stairs, and toilet for the teachers. within a month we are able to almost complete the structure and what is lacking is the painting of classrooms both inside and outside.

Delegazione Nostra Signora di Guadalupe

Dal 30 luglio al 5 agosto si terrà in Guadalajara una settimana di formazione rogazionista alla quale partecipano settimana i nostri seminaristi, vecchi e nuovi entranti, in tutto 12, e anche alcuni laici, che si associano il mercoledi e il sabato.


Semana de Formación Rogacionista

Del 30 de julio al  5 de agosto, 2017



Ver a la gente a través de los ojos misericordiosos de Jesús¨

La inculturación del carisma de San Aníbal en el mundo



Ordenación sacerdotal de un rogacionista paraguayo

El sábado, 22 de julio, ocurrió, en la ciudad de San Lorenzo, Paraguay, la ordenación sacerdotal del, ahora, P. Rodrigo Chaparro. El Domingo, 23, presidió la primera misa. Los dos fueron realizados en la parroquia Virgen de Fatima, comunidad donde hay un Seminario Rogacionista. Rindamos gracias al Dios de la mies por más uno obrero en la construcción y en el anuncio del Reino. "Envía, Señor, apostoles santos a tu Iglesia". Al nuevo sacerdote Rogacionista, muchas bendiciones!

Installation of the New Parish Priest of Villanueva (Philippines)

     Most Rev. Socrates Villegas, DD, Archbishop of the Lingayen-Dagupan, installed Fr. Joseph Arcaño as the new Parish Priest of the St. Catherine of Siena Parish in Villanueva, Bautista, Pangasinan, on July 23, 2017. Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior led a number of Rogationist Priests, friends and members of the Family of the Rogate, in participating in the celebration and in praying for the new pastor for the very best in his parochial ministry.

The Providence - SABV Davao's Official Newsletter

Dearest Confreres, Greetings of peace!

It may be unknown to many of you that SABV-Davao produces its newsletter "The Providence" since June 2016. I am now sending you the June 2017 issue of our newsletter, The Providence. It is the first issue of its second year of publication. may this endeavor make each of us get in touch with and appreciate our apostolate among the poor boys whose prayers are always favored by the Divine Providence through the intercession of St. Anthony of Padua.

7th Death Anniversary of Fr. Joseph Aveni: Remembering, Thanking, Sharing.

Dearest,  This coming July 24 (Monday) we will be commemorating the 7th Death Anniversary of our dear Fr. Joseph Aveni. It is a good occasion to remember his exemplary life, to thank him for the precious teachings he left us and to share memories and experiences from those whose lives have been touched by him. 

For this occasion the Rogationist St. Matthew Province is inviting all to a Eucharistic Celebration before his tomb at the Manila Memorial Park, Parañaque City. There will be also the presentation and distribution of his Short Biography and prayer cards. 

Annual Meeting of the Superiors/Responsible and Treasurers of the St. Matthew Province 2017

Fr. Herman Abcede, the Provincial Superior opened the 3-day meeting of all the Superiors/Responsible and Treasurers of the St. Matthew Province, on July 20, 2017 at the St. Hannibal Rogate Center. After giving some indications and reporting on certain urgent concerns from his Office, Fr. Herman, called on Fr. Dexter Prudenciano to present to the group, on behalf of Bro. Nilo Pelobello, the Provincial Treasurer, significant updates about the Province's resources and its attempt to revise the draft of its Economic Manual.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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