Grace-filled pilgrimage
Celebrating the
10 years of missionary presence
08 NOVEMBER 2014
Seminary Camping
The seminarians will gather together in the football field of Seminari Rogationis – Wailiti for a half day celebration starting with the group games and animation prepared by the community that aimed at team-building and camaraderie among the seminarians. There will also be moments of prayer and thanksgiving for the gift of vocation, for the gift of charism, for the gift of community life. The Evening will be capped with sharings and Cultural presentations coming from the seminarians – highlighting the richness of the cultures and traditions of Flores.
“I Love My Children”
The whole Seminary Community will gather the children attending our Sunday Apostolate in the different chapels and parishes of Seminary Apostolate for an afternoon of Rogate Children’s Gathering in Wetekara, one of the chapels of Habi where the Rogationists first inserted themselves in a Parish community. The community tied itself with the Animators of SEKAMI – parish catechists for children, to mobilize, animate, catechize, and look after the children. The children are also asked present some songs and dances for entertainment. Gifts and prices were also prepared for the children.
The seminary will conduct a whole day seminar inviting all the students of the Formation Institute of St. Hannibal (FISH), both the Aspirants and the Postulants and the Superiors and Formators of the different Religious Congregations here in Maumere. There will be two seminars: Young People of Today – answering the Call of God to be Workers in his Vineyard, facilitated by Fr. Henry Ramos, RCJ, with the aspirants and postulants as the audience; Mission and Formation: Consecrated Persons Actively Involving Themselves in the Mission of Christ, facilitated by Fr. Jessie Martirizar, RCJ, for the Professed Religious, Superiors and Formators of the different Religious Congregations enrolled in FISH. An agape concludes gathering.
In the afternoon, there will be the Blessing of the corner stone in the Rogationist Seminary in Ribang. Fr. Jessie Martirizar, as representative of the Superior General, will bless with cornerstone together with Fr. Henry Ramos and priests of the Rogationist Community in Maumere. This Seminary under the “Progetto Maumere” of the whole Congregation of the Rogationist will be the seedbed of Vocation here in Maumere as it will the place where the future “workers in the Lord’s vineyard” will be formed and educated.
The seminary will hold a youth camp inviting the youth groups coming from the different nearby parishes where the Rogationists are helping for the Sunday Liturgy. A Young Diocesar Priest will be invited to give an inspiration-vocation talk to the youth and will lead them to faith-experience-witnessing and thanksgiving through the Exposition and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Afterwhich, there will be cultural presentations, testimonies and sharings from the different youth group.
In the evening, the parishioners will also share their moments of prayer and adoration as they take their turn in adoring and thanking Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, in a Community Adoration for Vocation
Mass for the commemoration of the 10th Year Anniversary of the Rogationists’ Presence in Maumere. The First Missionaries: Fr. Jessie Martirizar and Henry Ramos, together with the Bishop fof Maumere, Msgr. Gerulfus Kherubim Pareira, SVD will officiate the Celebration of the Holy Mass, together will some invited priests in the Diocese of Mauemre. Church and Government leaders, Religious Congregations, Former Rogationists, family, friends and benefactors of the Rogationists and people who were became part of the journey of the Rogationists here in Maumere will also be invited to take part in the celebrations. After the celebration of the Holy Eucharist, there will be a procession carrying the Statue of St. Hannibal from the Chapel going to the Seminary, accompanied by all the faithful. Feast of food, friendship and cultural presentations await the guests and visitors of the said celebration. In the afternoon, there will be the community “Barrio Fiesta” – games involving the local people of Wailiti and Kota Baru where the Rogationists are residents. A moment of silence and prayer will end the celebration with the Sky Lanterns sending the prayers of praise, thanksgiving and petitions of the Community to the skies.