Inauguration and blessing Rogate Sneha Bhavan


17.02.2914 - This evening at 5:30, his Lordship Rev. Govindu Joji blessed the newly constructed building and laid the foundation stone for Fr. Luigi memorial technical school. Fr. General, Fr. Vito, Fr. Shajan and a good number of priests con celebrated and graced occasion with their prayers and presence.

Reception of Fr. General, Fr. Vito and Italian benefactors

1st Rogationist Educators Congress: “Going One, Growing Global”

1st day- February 13, 2014

In the afternoon, the participants began arriving from their respective origins for their registration and accommodation. At exactly 5:00 PM, Fr. Wilfredo Cruz led the opening prayer for the entire event asking for the special grace of success of the entire congress.

Fr. Danny Montana, the main emcee during the congress, gave a general orientation briefing everybody regarding some details and concerns for the better facilitation of the whole event. He then introduced Fr. Gabby Flores, the Superior and Rector of SABV RC Cavite, for the Welcome address. Fr. Gabby shared about the intrinsic relation of the Education system and social transformation. He then mentioned the importance of reflecting the place of Rogationist Education and its role on the whole Philippine Educational reality. In line with this, he mentioned three things to consider: (1) To see, understand, and appreciate our identity (2) To look at our internal and external territories; (3) To take on or engage the challenges of our territories.

Fr. Danny then introduced Fr. Jessie Martirizar, the speaker for the recollection.

TALK: “Fr. Hannibal Mary di Francia’s Pedagogy and New Educational Challenges: Identity, Relevance, Perspectives”

In his talk, Fr. Jessie Martirizar, the General Councillor for Mission, emphasized the challenge of forming disciples and missionaries of the Rogate as the main goal of Rogationist Education. To realize this goal he highlighted some very important considerations:

  1. The value of the challenge as something that is a kind of life’s way of making sure that we truly desire the things we achieve, but above all, it brings about newness, richness, and fullness of life.

  2. He spoke of the Recollection as a kind of “home-button” that will enable everyone to return to the beginning and go back to the source.

  3. He proposed the Gospel Passage of the Rogate (Mt 9-35-38/Lk 10:2) as the inspirational text of the recollection and stating that it is in this passage that we can identify the origin, the source from where the Rogate is born, that is, from the compassion of Christ. He further explained that this going back to the source has 4 dynamisms: Starting again from Christ of the Rogate; Starting again from Fr. Hannibal, which leads back also to Avignone; “Going one, growing global”; and Compassion of the Christ of the Rogate. These 4 dynamisms are expressed into 4 keywords: SEE, FEEL, PRAY, SEND. From these 4 keywords are the challenges that confront the Rogationist Educator: Seeing with Faith: Recognizing the signs of times; Seeing with Love: Identifying a new anthropology; Seeing with Hope: The Rogationist Educator way of looking at man as God’s project. He emphasized also the importance of being disciples as Pray-ers  for good laborers themselves and the value of being sent as becoming good missionaries themselves.

The first day concluded with a welcome dinner at the Oasis of Prayer.

2nd Day Morning Session- February 14, 2014

The day began with the morning prayers followed by the Holy Mass presided by His Excellency Most Rev. Reynaldo Evangelista, Bishop of Imus, and was concelebrated by the Rogationists priests. In his homily, Bishop Rey highlighted the three important tasks of a Rogationist Educator: to educate with love and compassion; to educate for the sake of the Gospel; and to educate to promote vocations in the Holy Church.

After the Holy Mass, a formal opening of the congress was held with the opening salvo and cultural presentation and the acknowledgement of all the participants with their head of schools.

Fr. Jessie Martirizar, the General Councillor for Missions of the Congregation of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus, imparted the message of the Superior General to the assembly.

Fr. Herman Abcede, Provincial Superior of the Rogationist Philippine Quasi-Province, welcomed the participants for the morning session. Fr. Dexter Prudenciano, Councilor for Missions and Charity of PQP gave the rationale and overview of the whole Rogationist Educators Congress.

Fr. Carlos Guzman, RCJ, Vice-Superior (SABV Cavite) introduced the keynote Speaker, BRO. ARMIN A. LUISTRO, FSC, Secretary of the Department of Education, who expounded on the given topic: “REVOLUTIONIZING THE PHILIPPINE EDUCATION: TOWARDS ASEAN INTEGRATION – EFA 2015 AND GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS” (Challenging the Private Educational Partners to Grow Global)

Bro. Armin began his speech emphasizing the reality of Education as something that touches on many aspects of life and that Education has to do with 2 things: Giving our students roots (founding story; to keep them anchored in their identity and context) and wings (global demands; to see the realities outside). He further extended the challenge in integrating Rogationist perspective in the education of Filipinos. He presented that the K to 12 curriculum prepared by the Department of Education as the minimum for Philippine education. He concluded the talk with a challenge posed to the Rogationist of confronting the 3 objects of education, in partnership with DeptEd, that are not fully addressed by society: 3 million out of school youth (are you ready to partner with DeptEd in addressing this; Indigenous and Poor  Communities; and 200 thousand street children

The morning session ended with presentation of the plaque of appreciation to the keynote speaker.

2nd Day Afternoon Session Session- February 14, 2014

A song number from a student of RC-S was rendered to the assembly before the formal start of the session. Ms. Helen M. Mapa, Principal (RCP)introduced the guest speaker for the first talk of the afternoon session.

The Speaker, Dr. Carmelita Quebengco, AFSC shared her knowledge and expertise in forming School System of Association. The title of her talk was: “Going One: Towards an Association of Schools – Challenges and Commitments.” According to her, the talk will deal much  about the challenges, Commitments and Benefits of being an Association of Schools and the Important qualities of an Association: Mission-vision, policies, expectations..

After the talk, Fr. Herman and Fr. Dexter presented the plaque of appreciation to her. Then, immediately after that, MrsDarleen Gener, English Instructor of RC Cavite, introduced the second keynote speaker of the afternoon session. The second keynote speaker of the afternoon was, Dr. Catherine Q. Castaneda, Director for CHED, NCR. She expounded on the given topic:  “CASCADING EDUCATION THROUGH COMMUNITY EXTENSION PROGRAMS – CHOICES AND SUSTAINABILITY”



Intervista RAI a Bernard Leone, Ex Allievo di Roma

Nel programma "A sua Immagine", andato in onda nel pomeriggio di sabato 15 febbraio 2014 su RAI1, Bernard Leone, Ex Allievo dell'Antoniano di Roma, è stato intervistato e ha raccontato la sua vita: la fuga dall'Albania a cinque anni, l'accoglienza di una famiglia di Brindisi, l'infanzia e l'adolescenza vissuta presso il nostro Istituto Antoniano di Roma e l'attuale professione, come amministratore di un'impresa di lavanderia che collabora con l'ONLUS Impresa Sant'Annibale (ISA). Un'esperienza di vita e di fede di uno dei nostri ragazzi che, mettendo in pratica gli insegnamenti di Sant'Annibale, è riuscito a riscattarsi e a diventare un punto di riferimento per altri giovani che hanno sofferto per il disagio e l'abbandono.

L'intervista completa si può vedere cliccando sul link:



Rogate Sneha Bhavan - Nalgonda

Rogate Sneha Bhavan - Nalgonda (India) - altDearest, With great joy and gratitude to God the Almighty for His continuous blessings to our Congregation, We, the Rogationsits of the Heart of Jesus, cordially invite you to the joyful occasion of the Blessing of  Rogate Sneha Bhavan (Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Center for the Street, School dropouts and working children) at Nalgonda, Andhra Pradesh on February 17, 2014 at 5:30 pm by Most Rev. Fr. Angelo A. Mezzari, Superior General of the Rogationists and to the solemn Eucharistic celebration presided by His Excellency Govindu Joji, Bishop of Nalgonda Diocese. We count on your valuable prayers and esteemed presence on this beautiful occasion. Yours in Christ, Rogate Sneha Bhavan Community

Reception of the Ministry Bro. Praveen

altaltThe Rogate Ashram community rejoices as Bro. Praveen Mundanchery, 2nd year theology student received the ministry of acolytate. The celebration took place at St. Joseph's pontifical seminary, Carmelgiri, Aluva. His lordship Rt. Rev. Dr. Vincent Samuel officiated the ceremony. He exhorted the brothers to acquire an attitude of Love with sacrifice with spirit of prayer in order to be effective ministers of the gospel. The provincial, Fr. Shajan and fr. Vinu concelebrated for the holy Eucharist.

Ospitalità all’Antoniano di Roma per emergenza freddo

altDalla seconda settimana del mese di Dicembre 2013 si è attivato presso due locali dell'Istituto Antoniano di Roma un servizio a poveri senza fissa dimora chiamato 'emergenza freddo'. Si accolgono delle persone che non hanno alcun luogo per dormire la notte. Il servizio viene reso fino al mese di Aprile 2014. Le persone accolte sono in tutto otto; oltre al  dormire si offre loro la colazione e la cena. In coordinazione con la Comunità dell'Antoniano i Confratelli della Curia Generalizia con gli Studenti di Teologia e Filosofia assicurano la presenza e coordinano attività al servizio di queste persone, fra  cui alcuni italiani, romeni, uno dalla Moldavia ed uno dalla Nigeria.

Ordenação Presbiteral – Diác. Maike Leo Grapiglia, RCJ

altaltOs Rogacionistas do Coração de Jeus, minha familia e eu, Diác. Maike Leo Grapiglia, RCJ, temos a alegria de convidar você e sua familia para a Celebração Eucaristica na qual, pela oração da Igreja e pelas mãos de Dom Antonio Carlos Rossi Keller, Bispo da diocese de Frederico Westphalen – RS, serei ordenado presbitero para o serviço de Deus e da Igreja. Data: 15 de fevereiro de 2014, 17h, Paroquia São Roque, Toquaruçu do Sul RS. Primeira missa: data 16 de feverreiro, 10h, Comunidade Nossa Senhora de Fatima.  Diác. Maike Leo Grapiglia, RCJ

Anexamos a mensagem do Superior Geral

Ordenação Sacerdotale – Diácono José Amado Elias

altA Congregação dos rogacionistas do coração de Jesus, minha familia e eu, Dic. José Amado Elias, RCJ temos a alegria de convidar você e sua Familia para partecipar da celebração Eucaristica, na qual, pela oração da Igreja e pela imposição das mãos de Dom José Lanza, sarei ordenado Sacerdote para o serviço de Deus e da Igreja.


altaltFr. Hannibal House ha celebrato il suo 25 anni di servizio ai poveri in Sanger tenendo la sua attività annuale di raccolta fondi nella Sala Parrocchiale della Chiesa di Santa Maria , Sanger , California . L'attività di raccolta fondi è stato fatto attraverso di una cena tenutasi il Sabato scorso , 1 ° febbraio 2014 .

The Fr . Hannibal’s House ( FHH ) ha iniziato la sua attività nel 1989. Si tratta di un istituto catolico di beneficenza che mira a soddisfare le esigenze dei poveri e di coloro che vivono ai margini della società . FHH è composta da due entità separate e distinte , il FHH Servizio Sociale, e la FHH Thrift Store. Esso fornisce la gente di Sanger e vicina comunità alimentari di emergenza , vestiti, medicine , affitto e utenze assistenza limitata , alloggio durante la notte e rinvii ad altre agenzie .
Durante la cena , aste silenziose e vivi  sono stati fatti al fine di raccogliere più fondi . La cena è stato graziato dal Sindaco della Città di Sanger , il sindaco Joshua D. Mitchell . Prima della fine della cena, il sindaco Mitchell ha dato la targa di encomio ai Padri Rogazionisti per continuare l'opera di p . Annibale ai poveri e indigenti , e " per i suoi contributi eccezionali , e l'impegno dedicato alla città di Sanger " .
(Vedi anche :



            Fr. Hannibal’s House celebrated it’s 25 years of serving the poor in Sanger by holding its annual fundraising activity in the Parish Hall of St. Mary’s Church, Sanger, California. The fundraising activity was done through a dinner held last Saturday, February 1, 2014.

            Fr. Hannibal’s House (FHH) started its operation in 1989. It is a charitable Catholic institution which seeks to meet the needs of the poor and those who live on the margins of society. FHH is comprised of two separate and distinct entities, the FHH Social Service, and the FHH Thrift Store. It provides the people of Sanger and neighboring communities emergency food, clothing, medicine, limited rent and utilities assistance, overnight lodging and referrals to other agencies.

During the dinner, silent and live auctions also were done in order to raise more funds. The dinner was graced by the Mayor of the City of Sanger, Mayor Joshua D. Mitchell. Before the end of the dinner, Mayor Mitchell gave the plaque of Commendation to the Rogationists  Fathers for continuing the work of Fr. Hannibal to the poor and indigent people, and “for its outstanding contributions, and dedicated commitment to the City of Sanger”. ( See also :


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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