Dedicazione della nuova chiesa “Cuore Immacolato di Maria” a Bari

altaltaltaltaltaltaltalt29.04.2013 - Ieri, 28 aprile, alle ore 10.00, presso il Villaggio del Fanciullo di Bari vi è stata la solenne dedicazione della nuova chiesa “Cuore Immacolato di Maria” durante la concelebrazione eucaristica presieduta da Mons. Francesco  Cacucci, Arcivescovo di Bari, con la presenza del Vicario Generale, P. Bruno Rampazzo, del Superiore Provinciale, P. Angelo Sardone, di confratelli e sacerdoti diocesani, e di numerosi fedeli che hanno gremito la nuova chiesa. La sera precedente, nella vecchia sede, vi è stata una veglia di preghiera, che ha visto anche una nutrita partecipazione. Riportiamo alcune foto.  

Dalla Casa Madre di Messina


26-28 aprile 2013, Messina Casa Madre- P. Angelo inizia la visita alla Comunità della Casa Madre a Messina la mattina di venerdì 26 aprile con la celebrazione della santa messa nella Cripta del Santuario di S. Antonio, sull’altare che conserva la reliquia del Corpo di S. Annibale. Nel corso della giornata, successivamente, incontra i confratelli e la comunità religiosa, riuniti in assemblea. Il giorno dopo, P. Angelo accompagna un gruppo di fedeli brasiliani provenienti dalla nostra parrocchia di Bauru e guidati nel pellegrinaggio da P. Gilson Maya. Visitando i luoghi del Padre gli amici del Brasile hanno potuto immergersi nella spiritualità rogazionista con calore e entusiasmo. Domenica, dopo la santa messa solenne al Santuario, P. Angelo incontra il laicato che è attivo nelle opere della Casa Madre e, in serata, si reca presso la comunità dello Spirito Santo dove condivide la gioia delle Consorelle nella preghiera e nella fraternità.


Da Matera e da Altamura

altaltaltaltaltaltaltMercoledì e giovedì 24-25 aprile 2013, Matera - La giornata di mercoledì si apre per P. Angelo Mezzari con un incontro con gli educatori delle comunità alloggio del Villaggio del Fanciullo di Matera, che il Padre Generale ha ringraziato per il loro prezioso lavoro di formazione dei bambini e ragazzi più bisognosi e ha esortato a condividere la spiritualità dei buoni operai evangelici. In seguito, dopo la visita alla chiesa rupestre del “Peccato originale”, nel pomeriggio assieme a P. Matteo Sanavio visita la Comunità delle Figlie del Divino Zelo di Altamura (BA) e la famiglia di P. Michele Ferrara a Scanzano Jonico. Giovedì, ultimo giorno a Matera, dopo una rapida visita ai “Sassi”, P. Angelo partecipa alla Messa con i ministranti della diocesi, presso la nostra parrocchia di S. Antonio, presieduta da sua Mons. Salvatore Ligorio, vescovo di Matera. Nel pomeriggio, viaggio verso Messina, dove proseguirà, nei prossimi giorni, la visita delle Comunità rogazioniste.

Dedicazione nuova chiesa parrocchiale – Bari

altIl Parroco, Padre Antonio Pierri, la comunità parrocchiale e i Padri Rogazionisti partecipano il solenne rito della dedicazione della nuova chiesa parrocchiale “Cuore Immacolato di Maria” in Viale Orazio Flacco, 2 Bari, domenica 28 aprile, ore 10,00. La Celebrazione Eucaristica sarà presieduta da Mons. Francesco Cacucci, Arcivescovo di Bari-Bitonto. Saranno presenti il Vicario Generale, P. Bruno Rampazzo, e il Superiore Provinciale, P. Angelo Sardone.

Dalla Casa di Matera

Martedì 23 aprile 2013, Matera - altaltaltaltaltP. Angelo Mezzari dedica la mattinata a incontrare la Comunità religiosa del Villaggio del Fanciullo di Matera e a visitare la Parrocchia dedicata a S. Antonio. Nel pomeriggio conosce più da vicino i ragazzi affidati alle cure delle comunità alloggio, li incontra nei loro ambienti e con loro gioca una partitella a calcetto. Alle 19.00 presiede la santa Messa in parrocchia e incontra i numerosi fedeli convenuti per la celebrazione eucaristica. Dopo cena, partecipa ad un incontro con una rappresentanza di Ex allievi della zona di Matera, che ha visto la presenza anche del sig. Antonino Terranova, presidente nazionale degli Ex allievi, venuto da Roma per l’occasione.

Faith increased, Hope strengthened

“FAITH INCREASED, HOPE STRENGTHENED”, this is how we described our experience when our bishop in Dalat Diocese celebrated a solemn mass for the Rogationist Vietnam Mission Station (RVMS).  It was even more meaningful because he celebrated the mass on the occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations, our Rogationist Feast day par-excellence. With the permission of our beloved Bishop, this special occasion was also marked with the launching of the Family Rogate Vietnam, Dalat Diocese Chapter. Seven families of our seminarians formally took the promise as new members of the Family Rogate ( Hoi Gia Dinh Rogate).  The first members are the parents of the Rogationist’s seminarians from Bao Loc and Don Duong, Lam Dong Province. Both places belong to the Diocese of Dalat.

The celebration was simple and as much as possible kept it in secret and private. The good bishop allowed us to use the bishop’s house for the celebration and only a few guests were invited including some priests, religious men and women, benefactors and friends.   It was a risk to organize that celebration but we felt safe and secure in the bishop’s house assuring us that we are in God’s hand.

It was only a half day celebration. It started with the solemn adoration for vocation presided over by Fr. Alfonso Heredia, Responsible of the Mission.  The reflection which Fr. Alfonso prepared for the Eucharistic Adoration emphasized the Meaning of Vocation, the Role of the Rogate in the Church and the Conviction, Joy, Sacrifice, and the Desire of St. Hannibal in living, propagating and proclaiming the Rogate.

After the solemn Eucharistic Adoration for Vocation, the Bishop presided over the solemn mass. In his homily, the Bishop spoke boldly about the importance of the charism of the  Rogate in the Church, especially in the his local diocese, at the same time, he also appreciated  the initiation of the group of family that is committed to pray daily for vocations in the Church.

Here is the summary of the Bishop’s homily.

-          He gave the introduction about the World Day of Prayer for Vocations which was started in 1964 and in 1971 the date was officially fixed on the Good Sherpherd Sunday as the  WDPV.

-          Then he spoke about the Rogationists, the charism of the Rogate, a command from the mouth of Jesus. The necessity of obeying the Word of Jesus, to pray for Vocations, especially for the Priesthood and religious vocations.

-          Touching on the crisis of vocations in many countries of the world, he underlined that in the developed countries, there is the experience of the lost of spiritual life, the lost of the sense of God, and  the lost of faith because of the culture of consumerism, and nobody wants to follow Christ because many young people have lost their faith, they don’t see Christ. He said that Vocation needs FAITH - and so there is the need of more pastors to bring back and animate the faith.

-          He also underlined the connection of FAITH-à VOCATIONàBLESSING (HOPE) and explained it through the story of the faith of Abraham. Abraham’s faith led him to answer yes to God full of hope and because of that yes (vocation) he received abundant blessings.

-             Finally, he mentioned the important role of the family in Vocations. “No family, no vocation”. And focused his attention on the Family ROG which started as a small group of family, wishing that it will later expand as a big group. And the most challenging words he said for us Rogationists, Daughters of Divine Zeal and the FAM ROG is that “we are vocation for all the Vocations.”

Thanks to our beloved bishop in the Diocese of Dalat who is a real shepherd and who is always available for the people. Thanks to our parents who generously responded to the call of witnessing the Rogate. Thanks to our friends and benefactors who always assure us of their support, protection and guidance. Thanks to the different congregations for their fraternal support and blessings, thanks to our students and aspirants both Rogationists and the Daughters of Divine Zeal, because of their generosity and availability to say yes to the call of God, the Rogate becomes ever more active, dynamic and triumphant.

With all these people and experiences, the RMSV is continuously casting its net into the DEEP. We are assured and convinced that we walk in the Direction of God following the Examples of Christ of the Rogate through St. Hannibal. This leads us to a more and a deeper Encounter with the Heart of Jesus, with the Heart of St. Hannibal and with the heart of the Avignone, the poor.  Whatever is the Plan of God for our mission here in Vietnam, we will joyfully obey and we hope and pray  that  it will be brought into completion.

Indeed, it is in our experience of being in the DEEP that our FAITH is increased and our HOPE is strengthened.

Gift of New Vocations to USA Rogationist Delegation

The US Delegation of the Rogationists is blessed with four seminarians: Medardo Erazo, Elmer Salazar, Gabriel Martinez and Salvador Salazar on the occasion of the 50th World Day of Prayer

for Vocations. Their official acceptance took place at St. Mary’s Church Sanger on April 21, 2013. Fr. Rene Panlasigui, Superior of the Sanger Community, presided over the Solemn Eucharistic celebration. Frs. John Bruno, Devassy Painadath and Valmier De Costa concelebrated in the Eucharistic Celebration. The parents and relatives of the seminarians took part in this joyous celebration. The Catholic community of Sanger welcomed the four young men with great enthusiasm. It is the result our constant prayer for vocations and the vocation promotion activities done under the dynamic direction of Fr. Rene. Let this be the beginning of a spring time of vocations to the USA Rogationist Delegation. altalt

Lunedì 22 aprile 2013, Modugno, Bari – Madonna della Grotta

Dopo aver lasciato Trani, a metà mattinata P. Angelo Mezzari e P. Matteo Sanavio raggiungono la Comunità della Madonna della Grotta a Modugno, presso la città di Bari. Dopo l’incontro con la Comunità e la visita al Santuario, nel pomeriggio i Padri, accompagnati da P. Nicola Bollino, responsabile della Comunità, si recano a Modugno e, in seguito partecipano alle attività e preghiere del Santuario. Alle 19.00 P. Mezzari presiede la S. Messa, a cui partecipano numerosi fedeli delle Famiglie Rog, del Cenacolo e la Corale del Santuario. Dopo la santa messa, P. Angelo tiene un incontro di formazione e di fraternità con i gruppi presenti e in seguito si reca a Matera, per continuare la sua visita alle comunità.altaltaltalt

31st Inidan Rogationist Priest Fr. Samson

altaltaltaltThe Indian Rogationist Quasi Province gratefully thank the Lord of the Harvest for the 31st Inidan Rogationist Priest, Fr. Samson. He was ordained on 22nd April, by his excellency Bp. Remigiose Inchananiyil of Thamarassery diocese, Kerala. Let us continue to pray for Fr. Samson so that  he may be faithful to the Harvest Master as he becomes effective in His priestly ministry following the footsteps of Saint Hannibal Maria Di Francia. P. Vinu RCJ 

The Jubilee Year of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations

“Vocations: Signs of Hope Founded in Faith” - In anticipation of the forthcoming “Good Shepherd Sunday”, the Family of the Rogate, together with priests, families, youth and religious congregations, organized and celebrated a day for the Jubilee Year of the World Day of Prayer for Vocations last Saturday, April 20, 2013 at St. Anthony’s Boys Village-Rogationist College, Silang, Cavite, with the theme: “Vocations: Signs of Hope Founded in Faith”.

With almost 2,000 participants who attended the celebration, the event was marked with animations, catechesis, Holy Mass and Adorations, group sharing and cultural presentations which showcased the 50 years of the Church’s mandate in inviting everyone around the world to pray and work for holy vocations. Fr. Miguel De Silva’s Rogate Family Song became the official song and animation for the celebration which was performed by the Rogationist seminarians and postulants.

Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara of the Diocese of Pasig gave a catechesis on vocations. He emphasized Pope-Emeritus Benedict XVI’s message on the 50th World Day of Prayer for Vocations which centered on hope. “To have hope”, he said, “is happiness, offering, peace and Eucharist”. Without these, it would be impossible to appreciate the gift of vocations which the Lord himself initiated among whom He chooses – the call to single-blessedness, married life and priestly and religious life.

Together with concelebrating priests, Bishop Mylo presided the Holy Mass. In his homily, he emphasized that to pray for vocations is not only to pray for others but also to pray for one’s vocation too. The usual liturgical celebration followed, and then towards the end of the Holy Mass, a prayer composed by Blessed John Paul II was said. The Choir of St. Hannibal Empowerment Center animated the songs in the Holy Mass.

After the lunch, Breakthrough Circles took place. On that part, 50 groups were distributed into different areas in the school campus to have their group dynamics. The group dynamics featured various youth groups who performed various role-play of different Biblical personages note-worthy of their vocation story. This became the focus of the group sharing, which later on became the material of their resolutions through “tongues of fire” made into a collage onto a bigger “tongue of fire” then put into the “Galilee Wall”. Prayers of commitment were composed in the official poster of the event which was offered in the concluding “Tribute to Our Lady of Vocations”. All casts of the role-play concluded the dynamics with a prayer-dance of the song “Many Gifts, One Spirit”.

Eucharistic Adoration was presided by Fr. Herman Abcede, RCJ, Provincial Superior of the Rogationists in the Philippines. In his sharing, Fr. Herman gave his own version of as response to Bishop Mylo’s catechesis: “H - Hear the heartbeat of Christ, O - Observe the overflowing harvest, P - Pray passionately for the harvest, and E - Encounter the Lord with Enthusiasm”. Intercessory prayers were said before the final blessing.

Cultural presentations featured performances from St. Anthony’s Boys Village-Rogationist Academy from Davao, songs from Accapella Manila, an interpretative dance from the community of St. Hannibal Empowerment Center, and a Marian song from the selected religious brothers from the community of Father Di Francia Center of Studies. The brothers too carried the statue of Our Lady of Vocations towards the center platform accompanied by the prayer-dance of the youth of SHEC.

As soon as the statue of the Blessed Mother was placed, prayers and salutations were said, and then representatives from each group came to offer the commitment prayers. The celebration ended with the theme song “Rogate Family Song”. By:  Post. John Francis C. Aberion


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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