Prayer Aids: Nativity of the BVM

Here is a Prayer Aid in English and in booklet form for the Triduum and Vigil prayer for the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary taken from our new Rogationist Prayer Book.

Credits to Bro. Jed Dorol, RCJ for the music of the antiphons and psalms. 







Toward the Celebration of 50 Years in the Philippines: Logo and Theme Song Contest

As part of the three-year preparation for the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Rogationist Congregation in the Philippines and in Asia in 2026, the Saint Matthew Province has launched a contest for the logo ("Logo para sa Jubeleo") and theme song ("Cantate et Rogate") for this historic event. The inspiring theme of the Golden Jubilee Year is "Grace upon Grace" based on the Gospel of John, 1:16. A commission, headed by Fr. Jessie Martirizar, has been formed to organize a series of initiatives and events that will last for three years, beginning on November 23, 2023.

Vietnam: New School Year 2023-2024

Istituto Teologico Philip Rinaldi, Thu Duc: I quattro religiosi studenti di teologia con i loro formatori.
Istituto Teologico Philip Rinaldi, Thu Duc: I quattro religiosi studenti di teologia con i loro formatori.
Istituto Teologico Philip Rinaldi, Thu Duc: I quattro religiosi studenti di teologia con i loro formatori.
Istituto Teologico Philip Rinaldi, Thu Duc: apertura del nuovo anno accademico.
Istituto Filosofico Don Bosco, Dalat. I sei seminaristi di filosofia con i loro formatori.
Istituto Filosofico Don Bosco, Dalat. I sei seminaristi di filosofia con i loro formatori.
Istituto Filosofico Don Bosco, Dalat: apertura del nuovo anno accademico.
Istituto Filosofico Don Bosco, Dalat: apertura del nuovo anno accademico.
Gli studenti e professori dell'Istituto filosofico Don Bosco a Dalat.

Rogationist religious students of theology and seminarians of philosophy have begun the new school year 2023-2024.
This year, four religious students are studying theology at the Philip Rinaldi Theological Institute in Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.  On the other hand, six seminarians are studying philosophy at the Don Bosco Salesian Institute in Dalat City. Both institutes are run by the Salesians and are affiliated with the Salesian Pontifical University (UPS) in Rome.

Rogate at the Local World Youth Day in the Diocese of Paranaque

(September 3) The Diocese of Parañaque organized a special event called "Local World Youth Day" at Mary Queen of Apostles Parish in San Antonio Valley, Parañaque City. It was an unforgettable experience for the youth to get a glimpse of the World Youth Day celebration that will be held in Lisbon, Portugal from July 31 to August 8, 2023. They learned about it through the stories shared by the diocesan youth representatives.

New pastor for the parish in Paranaque

(August 20) Fr. Cris Melvic Floralde RCJ was installed as the 10th pastor of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Parish in Paranaque, Philippines by Mons. Jesse Mercado, Local Ordinary of the Diocese of Paranaque. Fr. Floralde took over this ministry from the outgoing pastor, Fr. Alfonso Flores.

Rogationist Seminary College Alumni Annual Meeting

(September 3) The officers of the Rogationist Seminary College Manila Alumni, led by Mr. Roy Nebrija, met for their annual meeting to discuss their plans for this year's activities. With great dedication, they also took the time to finalize the statutes and by-laws of the organization. Their meeting began on a spiritually uplifting note as they gathered to participate in Holy Mass at 11:00 a.m., presided over by Fr. TJ Lancin, RCJ, Vice Superior/Prefect of Discipline/Treasurer of the House. 

Papua New Guinea: New Parish Priest in Sideia

Mons. Rolando Santos, Bishop of the Diocese of Alotau-Sideia, installed Fr. Welbert Llyd Suarez as the new pastor of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Parish in Sideia. The event was graced by the presence of the Provincial Superior of the Rogationist Province of St. Matthew, Fr. Orville Cajigal, who continued his canonical visit to the Rogationist Community of the Sideia Mission Center. The entire mission and parish community also attended this moment to express their support for the new pastor and their warm and sincere gratitude to the outgoing pastor, Fr. Henry Ramos.

Cebu: Season of Creation 2023

(September 2) A Eucharistic celebration was held at the soccer field of the Rogationist Seminary-Cebu to mark the beginning of the Season of Creation 2023. Fr. Jeffrey Salvador, RCJ presided the Holy Mass with Fr. Kristian Irvin Taok, RCJ, Fr. Sherwin Valenzuela, RCJ, Fr. Santos Solitario, RCJ, Fr. Ronnie Cumagay, RCJ and Fr. Joseph Tinh, RCJ as concelebrants. 
This liturgy shows how the seminary respects and values the ecosystem and the beauty of God's creation.


La communauté du Noviciat Saint Louis de Gonzague de Kigali a accueilli 8 religieux étudiant en théologie et 4 Novices du dimanche, 27 août au samedi, 02 septembre 2023 pour une retraite annuelle de préparation aux premiers vœux pour les novices, au renouvellement ou aux vœux perpétuels pour les religieux. 

La commemorazione di Padre Palma a Oria

Santuario Sant’Antonio di Padova – Oria (BR)


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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