Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Visit of the Archivist of the AUST to the Provincial Archives

Two months after Bro. Christian Allan De Sagun, RCJ, the Provincial Archivist of the St. Matthew Province, visited the Archivo de la Universidad de Santo Tomás (AUST) - upon approval of Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, the Provincial Superior, and of Fr. Jessie Martirizar, RCJ, the Delegate Superior of the St. Hannibal Rogate Center - the Acting Archivist of the AUST, Fr. Gaspar Sigaya, OP, with two of their staff, were invited to visit the St. Matthew Provincial Archives on May 19, 2023, to inspect it and to come up with recommendations for its continuing improvement.

Renewal of the Private Vow of the Rogate of Fr. Noel Reyes

22.05.2023 - Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, the Provincial Superior presided over the Rite of the Renewal of the private Vow of the Rogate of Fr. Noel Reyes as a Rogationist Aggregate/Associate. The said Rite was incorporated in the Solemn Vespers on the Feast of the Ascension at the chapel of the Fr. Hannibal Formation Center in Merville Park, Paranaque City. This event marked the second renewal of the vow for Rev. Fr. Noel Reyes, who currently serves as the Pastor of St. Jerome Parish in the Diocese of Chicago, Illinois, USA. During the ceremony, Fr.

Canonical Visit of the Provincial Superior to the St. Francis Xavier Parish, Parang, Bagac, Bataan

On May 16-18, 2023, Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, the Provincial Superior, successfully completed his Canonical Visit to the St. Francis Xavier Parish in Parang, Bagac, Bataan – thanks to the warm welcome and generous accommodation of the community composed of Fr. Ricardo Caperiña, RCJ, Fr. Christopher Salonga, RCJ, Fr. Tommy Latina, RCJ, and Fr. Alvin Fulgencio, RCJ. This visit was highlighted by moments of common and personal dialogues, and of prayers. Meetings with the parish staff and the Church leaders were also organized. Bro.

Canonical Visit of the Provincial Superior to the St. Anthony’s Boys Village-Cavite, Novitiate and the Rogationist College-Cavite

Thanks for the warm welcome and generous accommodation of the community composed of Fr. Vincent Victor Dumdum, RCJ, Fr. Carlos Guzman, RCJ, Fr. Wesley Taguibao, RCJ, Fr. Jeffren Tugbo, RCJ, Fr. Zander Conson, RCJ, Fr. Danny Montaña, RCJ, Fr. Ariel Tecson, RCJ, Fr. Ronaldo Victoria, RCJ, Bro. Louis Do Duc Hanh, RCJ, Bro. Luis Manuel Canlas, RCJ, and Bro. Augustine Dang Hung, RCJ, that on April 30 – May 4, 2023, Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, the Provincial Superior, successfully completed his Canonical Visit to the St. Anthony’s Boys Village-Cavite, Novitiate and the Rogationist College-Cavite.

Bartimaeus Program: Postulants of St. Matthew Province

The postulants of St. Matthew Province participated in the Bartimaeus Program: A Journey to Sight held at the Rogate Center of Pastoral Care for Vocations - Camp Alfredo, Guimaras Philippines last April 8-20.  

            They were part of the 88th group of the Bartimaeus Program: A Journey to Sight. The group consisted of 17 postulants (4 Vietnamese, 4 Indonesians, 4 Mexicans and 5 Filipinos) and Mr. and Mrs. Rolly Lao, the leader of PamilyaRog.

Manila: International Conference on Youth Ministry

The religious students of the Father Di Francia Center of Studies of St. Matthew Province joined the International Conference on Youth Ministry: Journeying with the Youth, held at the Ateneo de Manila University in Quezon City, Philippines on Easter Week, 13-15 April 2023. The conference was a joint venture of the Loyola School of Theology and the Don Bosco School of Theology. Around 700 participants mostly from the Philippines and Southeast Asia, and from over 30 countries all over the world registered for the event.

St. Matthew Provincial Council Meeting

Strategic and Annual Planning / Annual Meeting of the SMP Local Superiors and Responsible, April 12-16, 2023

Indonesia: Closing of the School Year at FISH

(April 14) The Formation Institute of Saint Hannibal (FISH) celebrated the closing rites of the School Year 2022/2023 with the Holy Eucharist presided by the Bishop of Maumere, Msgr. Edwaldus Martinus Sedu. The celebration began at 9:00 a.m. with the participation of 20 religious Congregations whose formands participated in the program and classes of our Institute during the school year. Rogationist priests and priests of other Congregations concelebrated in the liturgy. 

Annual Senakulo at the Seminary in Manila

(April 7) The Rogationist seminarians and the youth who attend the Sunday catechesis performed the traditional devotion of Senakulo, which depicts the Passion of the Lord from the Last Supper to His burial.

Senakulo annuale al Seminario di Manila
(7 aprile) I seminaristi rogazionisti e i giovani che frequentano la catechesi domenicale hanno eseguito la tradizionale devozione del Senakulo, che raffigura la Passione del Signore dall'Ultima Cena alla Sua sepoltura.


Gwangju, South Korea: Migrant Ministry Easter Celebration

Easter Mass for Migrant Catholics in the Archdiocese of Gwanju.
The choir of Filipino migrants.
Mons. Simon Ok Hyun-jin of Gwanju Archdiocese presided over the Easter Mass
Archbishop Simon Ok with a migrant Catholic.
Fr. Peter Kim Jun Oh, in-charge of the Suncheon Catholic Migrant Center, with Fr. Balqin and Fr. Cuong.
Fr. Peter Kim Jun Oh, in-charge of the Suncheon Catholic Migrant Center hands over to Fr. Balquin the faculty to administer the sacraments.
Fr. Peter Kim Jun Oh, in-charge of the Suncheon Catholic Migrant Center hands over to Fr. Cuong the faculty to administer the sacraments.
Vietnamese Catholic Migrants during the Easter Sunday Mass.
Vietnamese Catholic Migrants during the Easter Sunday Mass.
Fr. Cuong presides over the Mass with the Vietnamese Catholic Migrant community.
Fr. Cuong administers the sacrament of baptism at the Vietnamese Catholic Migrant community.
Fr. Cuong presides over the Mass with the Vietnamese Catholic Migrant community.
Agape after the Easter Mass.

(April 9) Archbishop Simon Ok Hyun-jin of Gwanju Archdiocese presided over the Easter Mass with about 600 migrant Catholics and pastoral workers of this ministry, including Fr. Jonrey Lauron RCJ who works at the archiocesan Migrant Center in the city. The Mass was celebrated in a mixture of Korean, English, Vietnamese, and East Timorese at the Gwanju Catholic Lifelong Educational Center. 


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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