Provincia San Matteo (Filippina)

Seminary in Cebu - Skills Training Program

August 9, 2023 - The St. Hannibal Formation Center - Cebu (SHFC), through the instrumentality of Mr. Ernyl Ornejas. partnered with the Community Extension Office of Cebu Technological University in conducting a training program on soap making which includes dishwashing soap, fabric conditioner and all purpose cleaner. 
The training program was attended by the seminarians and the residents of Don Bosco Village. The participants were also instructed on recipe costing, pricing, packaging and labeling.

Invitation to Diaconal Ordination

The St. Matthew Province of the Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus invites you to the Ordination to the Diaconate of five of our religious to be officiated by Most Rev. Jesse Mercado, DD, Bishop of Parañaque on October 7, 2023, 9:00 a.m. at the Holy Spirit Chapel of the Fr. Di Francia Center of Studies, Sucat, Parañaque City.
Let us keep the ordinandi in our prayers as they prepare for this important date in their vocational journey.

Admission of New Aspirants & Renewal of Commitment of Seminarians

The Rogationist Seminary Cebu formative community for the formative year 2023-2023: composed of 11 religious priests and religious in practical training and 43 seminarians in high school and college (philosophy).

On August 6, 2023, the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, St. Hannibal Formation Center-Cebu (Rogationist Seminary Cebu) warmly welcomed seven new aspirants through the Rite of Acceptance and Holy Mass presided by the Seminary Superior, Fr. Dante Quidayan, RCJ. The event was graced by the presence of the aspirants' relatives and friends of the seminary.

Indonesian Postulants Arrive in Manila

Fr. Aljohn Provido, Formator of the Postulants, welcome the newly arrived Indonesian postulants together with some Indonesian Rogationist priests.
Welcome to the newly arrived Indonesian postulants - at the airport in Manila.
Fr. Herbert Magbuo, Superior of the Mission Station in Indonesia, receives the postulants during the Rite of Acceptance.
Fr. Herbert Magbuo, Superior of the Mission Station in Indonesia, receives the postulants during the Rite of Acceptance.
Fr. Herbert Magbuo, Superior of the Mission Station in Indonesia, receives the postulants during the Rite of Acceptance.
The four new Indonesian postulants.
The new postulants with Fr. Henrikus Gualbertus.
The new postulants with Fr. Herbert Magbuo.
After the Holy Mass.
Sr. Darlene Aranda, the new superior of the FDZ in Indonesia.

The Indonesian Rogationist postulants arrived in Manila on the morning of August 3 to join their fellow postulants of St. Matthew Province coming from the Philippines and Vietnam, and one Salvadoran from the Our Lady of Guadalupe Delegation. 

Youth Camp a Labo, Camarines Norte

La Pastorale Giovanile Rogazionista della Quasi Parrocchia Holy Family  di Labo, Camarines Norte (Filippine) ha tenuto un Youth Camp parrocchiale di due giorni il 30-31 luglio 2023 come parte della celebrazione del Mese Diocesano della Gioventù con il tema "Maria si alzò e andò in fretta" (Luca 1:39), lo stesso tema della Giornata Mondiale della Gioventù 2023 a Lisbona, Portogallo. 

Rogationist Seminary in Cebu Inaugurates SY 2023-2024

Rogationist formators with the Redemptorist and PACEM formators whose candidates study Philosophy at the Rogationist Seminary in Cebu.
The Mass of the Holy Spirit inaugurates the new School Year 2023-2024.
The formators and the professors of the Rogationist Seminary College students.
The Mass of the Holy Spirit inaugurates the new School Year 2023-2024.
The Mass of the Holy Spirit inaugurates the new School Year 2023-2024.
The Mass of the Holy Spirit inaugurates the new School Year 2023-2024.
The Mass of the Holy Spirit inaugurates the new School Year 2023-2024.
Orientation to the students of the Rogationist Seminary College Cebu.
The first faculty meeting of the new School Year.

On July 31, 2023, the Rogationist Seminary College - Cebu inaugurated the new school year 2023-2024, with a solemn Mass of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Dante Quidayan, RCJ, Rector of the Seminary College, presided over the ceremony, which was attended by the Rogationist Fathers, the Redemptorist Fathers, and the PACEM Fathers. The Rogationist Seminary in Cebu is accredited by the Philippine government to offer a Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy.

Rogationist Seminarians at the Philippine Senate

(July 31, 2023) With deep patriotism, the Rogationist Seminarians showed their musical skills at the Senate of the Philippines. They sang the Philippine National Anthem, Lupang Hinirang, along with two other heartfelt songs, "Ako ay Pilipino" and "Magsimula Ka," expressing their deep affection for their motherland.  Their voices rang with sincerity, a testament to their love for their country and their unwavering commitment to bring glory to God. This was a significant moment for them as they could share their talents with the public.

La Rogationist Academy Davao inaugura il nuovo anno accademico

First day of classes of the new School Year 2023-2024.
Mass of the Holy Spirit presided over by Fr. Francis Paul Escano, Rector of RA-Davao
Mass of the Holy Spirit presided over by Fr. Francis Paul Escano, Rector of RA-Davao
First day of classes of the new School Year 2023-2024.
School leaders and teachers welcome the students on the first day of the School Year.
The teachers of RA-D.
Students make the gesture of "mano po", the placing of the elders' hands on the forehead, a traditional way of showing respect to elders.
Students make the gesture of "mano po", the placing of the elders' hands on the forehead, a traditional way of showing respect to elders.
Students make the gesture of "mano po", the placing of the elders' hands on the forehead, a traditional way of showing respect to elders.
Students make the gesture of "mano po", the placing of the elders' hands on the forehead, a traditional way of showing respect to elders.

(26 luglio 2023) Il Rogationist Academy di Davao (Filippine) ha inaugurato ufficialmente il nuovo anno scolastico con una Santa Messa dello Spirito Santo presieduta da Padre Francis Paul Escano, Rettore della scuola e Superiore della Comunità Rogazionista di Davao. Nella sua omelia ha evidenziato le tre dimensioni della pedagogia rogazionista: ARAL, ASAL AT DASAL (Studio, Carattere, Preghiera) Durante la Santa Messa, gli insegnanti hanno anche prestato giuramento di fedeltà agli insegnamenti della Chiesa Cattolica.

Il ritiro annuale a Maumere (Indonesia)

Al termine del nostro ritiro annuale e della pianificazione della comunità per l'Anno di Formazione 2023-2024-I religiosi del MSI hanno trascorso un breve tempo per ricreazione e piccola gita (25 luglio) intorno alla "città fredda" di BAJAWA. Dopo aver goduto una giornata di volo tra le nuvole della vetta di Wolobobo, ci siamo spostati in un altro sito storico del Bena Village. Una giornata di risate e felicità si conclude con un'altra corsa nel cielo sulla via del ritorno alla casa di ritiro Sang Timur piena di risate e gioia.

Ammissione al sacerdozio di 3 diaconi vietnamiti

Fr. Joseph Phan Hoang Nguyen RCJ, legal representative of the Rogationists in Vietnam, presents the three deacons to Mons. Dominic Nguyen Van Manh, Bishop of Dalat. From left to right: Rev. Thomas Tai, Fr. Joseph Nguyen, Bishop Dominic Manh, Rev. Joseph Thong, and Rev. Francis Xavier Thien
Fr. Joseph Phan Hoang Nguyen RCJ, legal representative of the Rogationists in Vietnam, with the three deacons elected for the Order of the Presbyterate.

Padre Orville Cajigal RCJ, Superiore della Provincia San Matteo, ha comunicato il 24 luglio 2023 che sono ammessi all'Ordine Sacerdotale tre diaconi vietnamiti, il Rev. Thomas Nguyen Minh Tai, il Rev. Joseph Nguyen Dinh Thong e il Rev. Francis Xavier Nguyen Phuc Thien. I tre diaconi saranno ordinati sacerdoti in Vietnam in una data da concordare con il Vescovo di Dalat. Questo sarà un evento significativo nell'anno di celebrazione del 20° anniversario della presenza dei Rogazionisti in Vietnam.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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