Update 7. Day 6, October 20.
The Chapter assembly continued with the presentation of the work of the Commissions on the Administration of Goods, and Charity and Mission. Yesterday, the Commissions on Government, Religious Life, Rogate, Parish and Laity have already presented their work. The capitulars gave their observations and suggestions to the proposals made by the Commissions and then voted for them in the first and second readings.
In the afternoon, the Capitulars read, commented, and approved the statement of the 3rd Provincial Chapter. They also deliberated and decided that the quorum for the 4th Provincial Chapter is 40% of the perpetually professed members of the Circumscription. Fr. Jose Maria Ezpeleta presented some salient points of the Orientations of the XIII General Chapter that can be cascaded in the programming of the new St. Matthew Province government for the next four years. Fr. Brizio Giovanni Greco highlighted in the Assembly some fundamental elements of good practice in the administration of goods as consecrated persons. Then, Fr. Bruno Rampazzo gave his concluding message to the Assembly which officially closed the Chapter.
The capitulars, wearing the T-shirt prepared for the Chapter, had the group picture taken.
The day closed with the celebration of the Holy Mass presided by Fr. Joseph Phan Nguyen. Fr. Hoang Xuan Huong Joseph delivered the homily. Both priests were celebrating the 4th anniversary of priestly ordination. Fr. King Cena, Superior Delegate in Vietnam was also a principal concelebrant.