Fr. Bruno Rampazzo, Superior General, has authorized through the letter Prot. No. 313/18 dated December 25, 2018, the use ad experimentum in Rogationist communities of the Rogationist Proper Liturgy in English, pending its definitive approval by the competent ecclesiastical authorities.
The English Edition, translated by the Congregation’s Commission on Translations, includes the Proper Masses, Lectionary of the Proper Masses, Prayer of the Faithful, and the Proper Liturgy of the Hours.
The translation in English was initiated by Fr. Cesare Bettoni RCJ and Fr. Jessie Martirizar RCJ, and assumed by the Sub-Commission on the English Translation based in St. Matthew Province in the Philippines, taking into account the previous translations. Then, the draft was submitted to the General Commission on Translations in Rome for ulterior review and final editing.
The Liturgical Proper in English is of great value for the living out and the transmission our charism and spirituality, as individuals and communities, in both initial and ongoing formation. Its use is primarily for the common and individual celebrations of the Liturgy, but it goes beyond that. It can also be profitable for meditation, deepening, retreats, conferences, lectures, studies and research.
The Word format is downloadable from the (category: downloads/liturgia). The pdf format will be uploaded as soon as it is available.