Visita a Queimadas

A Visita do Superior Provincial, Pe. Geraldo Tadeu Furtado, RCJ, na Sede Provincial, na qual estará acompanhando dos Conselheiros, Pe. Marcos Lourenço Cardoso, RCJ, também Secretário Provincial, e do Pe. Reinaldo de Sousa Leitão. A Visita ocorrerá nos dias 26 e 27 de novembro de 2020.

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Letteratura Rogazionista - traduzioni

La Commissione Generale per le Traduzioni è lieta di presentare due libri  di letteratura rogazionista adesso disponibili in Francese e Inglese: Potete scaricarli dal nostro sito

Francese: Anthologie Rogationniste. Traduzione: P. Riccardo Pignatelli rcj.

Inglese: The Rogate: Charism of the Rogationists (Ciranni). Traduzione: Pp. Marcelino Diaz rcj, Ulrich Gacayan rcj e Jessie Martiizar rcj.


10.11.2020 - Comme il est devenu coutume au Scolasticat St Hannibal de Ngoya, nous avons célébré le samedi dernier 07 novembre 2020, l’ouverture solennelle de l’année formative. Et par la même occasion nous souhaitions officiellement la bienvenue aux nouveaux membres de notre communauté. Ainsi, afin de rehausser l’éclat de l’évènement, quelques activités ont été préparées à la base.

Virtual Vocations Congress “Jóvenes en Búsqueda”

Virtual Vocations Congress  “Jóvenes en Búsqueda”  (Youth in Search) Saturday, November 14, 2020 from 5 pm to 9 pm  St. Elisabeth Parish Van Nuys,CA


Canonical Visit of the Provincial Superior to the St. Anthony’s Boys Village-Cavite, Rogationist College-Cavite and Novitiate

Taking advantage of the less stricter travel restrictions imposed due to the current pandemic, Fr. Orville Cajigal, RCJ, the Provincial Superior of the St. Matthew Province, did the Canonical Visit to the St. Anthony’s Boys Village in Lalaan II, Silang, Cavite, on November 5-7, 2020. The short visit which was highlighted by common prayers, was also a moment of dialogue and fraternal sharing. Fr. Cajigal also had the opportunity to physically meet the staff of the Boy Village, the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff of the Rogationist College, and to encounter the interns even online via Zoom.

Vocations and Prayer - October - December 2020

In This Issue

Outstretched Hands

Vocations for the Peripheries of the World

Our Hands, Our Mission, Our Prayer

The Unbroken Chain

Promoting Peace, Justice, and the Integrity of Creation

Refocusing our Attention on our Relationship

with Christ

Called To Call Others

Words of Warning and Hope to the World’s


Lectio Divina - Luke 2:22-38

United with Jesus

“For you, Jesus. If you want it, I want it, too!”

On the Waterfront of Our Lives

Lettera circolare del Padre Generale sull’Enciclica Fratelli tutti

6.11.2020 – A distanza di un mese dalla pubblicazione della lettera Enciclica di Papa Francesco Fratelli tutti il Padre Generale nella data odierna indirizza alla Congregazione una lettera circolare che rilegge l’Enciclica in una sintesi con spunti riferiti al nostro carisma.

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Visita em Criciúma

Visita canônica do Superior Provincial, Pe. Geraldo Tadeu Furtado e Conselheiro provincial, Pe. Reinaldo Leitão, em Criciúma/SC. Momento de partilha, orações, fraternidade e discernimento. Agradecemos a comunidade religiosa, eclesial e educacional pela acolhida, fraternidade e dedicação na propagação do rogate.

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Vitorino Freire/MA

3.11.220 - Visita canônica do Superior Provincial, Pe. Geraldo Tadeu Furtado e Conselheiro provincial, Pe. Reinaldo Leitão, em Criciúma/SC. Momento de partilha, orações, fraternidade e discernimento. Agradecemos a comunidade religiosa, eclesial e educacional pela acolhida, fraternidade e dedicação na propagação do rogate.

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Priestly Ordination of Rev. Simoj Chakiath

31-10-2020 - ‘"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. (Jn 15,5)

St. Thomas quasi province gladly rejoices over God’s bountiful blessing for one more new priest for the Congregation. Today, on the occasion of the conclusion of Marian Month, (31/10/2020) His Grace Bishop Tony Neelankavil, Auxiliary bishop of Thrissur archdiocese, ordained Rev. Simoj Chakiath to the Sacred Order of Priesthood.


Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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