Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Mar, 11/29/2022 - 09:11
On November 28, 2022, the Rogationist Annual Assembly in Our Lady of Guadalupe Delegation began in the Religious Community of Sanger.
Sixteen Rogationist Religious participated, fifteen priests and for the first time one religious Brother, Eduardo Rodriguez. The theme of the Annual Assembly is: Goals for our growth: Vocation Promotion, Religious Life, Apostolate among the Poor; Lights from the XIII General Chapter.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Dom, 10/23/2022 - 14:45
Tonalá, Jalisco -Mexico, Giovedì 20 Ottobre 2022. Oggi alle ore 7pm, nella Cappella del nostro seminario, ha avuto luogo il conferimento del ministero del lettorato a due dei nostri seminaristi di secondo anno di teologia, Nicolas Manzo e Juan Reyes. Ha presieduto la celebrazione il vescovo ausiliare della diocesi di Guadalajara, Mons. Juan Manuel. Con lui hanno concelebrato i Padri Antonio Fiorenza, giunto dalla California anche per questo evento, e Manesh Parakel.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Mié, 09/28/2022 - 09:05
On August 10, 2022 we celebrated 100 years of the institution of St. Mary's parish in Sanger, CA. Bishop Brennan and Bishop Ochoa and several priests celebrated the Anniversary mass. Sisters of Divine Zeal and MEMI, Altar Servers, and parishioners participated.
New statues and new Way of the Cross from Italy, a new mural of our Lady of Guadalupe were Blessed by Bishop Joseph Brennan.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Dom, 07/03/2022 - 10:57
Our lady of Guadalupe Delegation is doubly blessed this July 1, 2022, because on this date we are also celebrating the Perpetual Vows, the Renewal of Vows and the entrance to the Postulancy of our religious and seminarians in our Tonalá’s community.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Mié, 06/22/2022 - 08:51
Delegación de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, Guadalajara, 21 de junio de 2022. Esta tarde comenzó el curso de ejercicios espirituales de preparación a la profesión perpetua del Hno. Gabriel Martínez, y la primera renovación de votos del Hno. Adán Pérez, Nicolás Manzo, Juan Reyes. El curso está animado por el P. Antonio Fiorenza y el P. Francisco Javier Flores, y se lleva a cabo en el Centro de Espiritualidad de los Padres Carmelitas en Tlaquepaque.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Jue, 06/02/2022 - 10:28
Great feast for our religious community and for the parish community: Br. Eduardo Rodríguez López, religious brother, during the solemn Eucharistic celebration on the Eve of St. Hannibal, made his perpetual profession of vows in the hands of the Superior of the Delegation, Fr. Antonio Fiorenza. Most of the Confreres, the Sisters Daughters of Divine Zeal, some religious communities and numerous parishioners participated in the celebration. Br. Eduardo's mother was present, along with other family members and relatives.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Vie, 05/13/2022 - 09:26
The Delegation of Our Lady of Guadalupe shares with all the Rogationist Confreres the joy of the perpetual profession of Br. Eduardo Rodriguez, religious Brother, which will take place on May 31, 2022, at the parish church of St. Elizabeth in Van Nuys, CA. Together we thank the Lord of the harvest for this new member of our religious family. Let us entrust him to the merciful love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the maternal tenderness of the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary.
Enviado por Siciliano Fortunato el Jue, 12/16/2021 - 09:42
As scheduled, on December 13 and 14, the Delegation Superior, Fr. Antonio Fiorenza, accompanied by the secretary, Fr. Javier Flores, visited the religious community of St. Janes Frances de Chantal, in North Hollywood. It started by reading the Superior report and Treasurer's touching upon the community's life and pastoral ministry. Then, Fr. Antonio met each of the confreres, namely, Fr. Jupiter Quinto, Superior and Assistant Pastor, Fr. Antonio Carlucci, Pastor and Treasurer, and Fr. Santi Scibilia, in residence. Also, Fr. Fiorenza met some parishioners and visited the parish's school.