Priestly Ordination of Rev.Fr. Abhilash Veluthalakuzhiyil

Priestly Ordination of Rev. FR. ABHILASH VELUTHALAKUZHIYIL- St.Thomas Quasi Province, Kerala, India -

In a very solemn Eucharistic Banquet, His Excellency bishop Bosco Puthur  the bishop of Syro Malabar Eparchy of St.Thomas the Apostle, Melbourne,  ordained Dn. ABHILASH VELUTHALAKUZHIYIL to the service of Christ’s ministerial priesthood. With joyful hearts and profound gratitude to the Lord of the Harvest, Rogationist St. Thomas Quasi Province along with the Veluthalakuzhiyil family, relatives, friends and Parish Peoples rejoiced over this grace filled Priestly Ordination rite and his First Holy Mass Celebration at his home town parish of LittleFlower Church, Thirumudikunnu on 1st  January 2017. Fr. Abhilash is the 52nd  priest of St.Thomas Quasi Province. 

Indirizzo Contatto
Congregazione dei Padri Rogazionisti del Cuore di Gesù
Via Tuscolana 167, Roma 00182 - Italia
Tel. 067020751
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